Posted 10 August 2015 - 06:35 PM
I saw the pilot for Minority Report today. I thought it was serviceable, but really nothing special and certainly nothing we haven't seen before. A SciFi crime show based on the 2002 movie with Tom Cruise of the same name, this show focuses on one of the twin precogs who's all grown up now and basically wants to prevent murders. He does this with his police detective partner making it a crime-fighting duo.
Like I said, nothing we haven't seen before. The sets are believable, I mean, I'd buy that our culture doesn't change that much in 40-50 years, so that works. CGI is certainly good enough for TV, so no complaints there. It's just that this show is, like I've said, nothing we haven't seen before, and certainly nothing we haven't seen better before. Person of Interest comes to mind, and I highly doubt that Minority Report will even come close to reach that level of quality. Oh, and in terms of crime-fighting duo SciFi, I still hold that the cancellation of Almost Human was a mistake and I'll be surprised if this show will be just as good.
That's not to say I didn't like it, as I mentioned first, it was serviceable and entertaining enough so I'll be watching it when it officially airs.
Later tonight I'll watch the pilot for Lucifer. Urgh, another show with a crime-fighting duo, the twist here being that one of them is the devil himself.
Screw you all, and have a nice day!