amphibian, on 29 November 2011 - 03:03 PM, said:
QuickTidal, on 29 November 2011 - 01:53 PM, said:
Yeah, it's kind of annoying when the person who is meant to be doing honest, balanced reviews of both shows (and comparing them) basically descends into fandom alone...and I noticed that when I was reading it as well Amph.
But then to be quite honest I'm not surprised, TOR does not have the greatest track record with picking decent, non-biased columnists (term used loosely, blogger is probably more accurate) who know what they are doing, what with Mrs. Uber-militant-feminist Teresa Jusino doing a lot of the DOCTOR WHO reviews for TOR and basically using it as a soapbox from which to spout nasty one-sided rhetoric about the evils of men.
Teresa Jusino is the same writer covering Once Upon A Time.
Wow, her Dr. Who reviews are that kooky? I can believe it. She comes off as a person who if she's for something, she's for it all the way and blinds herself to most flaws - which is basically being a fangirl.
Haha, I never even noticed who was ding the ONCE UPON a TIME ones. I'm not at all surprised.
This review:
In which she moans about Moffat's writing in a line where Rory is gawking at his wife in a skirt and screws up something in the TARDIS because of not paying attention and the Doctor says to Amy to put on pants because otherwise Rory will continue to do so and put their lives in danger. She shouts feminism about how the Doctor could have just as easily told Rory to pay attention...
most people in the comments of the post took her to task for making such a ludicrous statement, simply saying that telling Rory to pay attention would not stop him looking up his wife's skirt if the situation happened again...he's a dude, he's going to look...and that Amy putting on pants would solve the situation. I'm not saying it's right, I'm simply saying that it's realistic and guys are guys. She literally spends a paragraph or two in the comments POORLY attempting to defend her position and basically saying that "guys will be guys" is not an excuse, and that we should change that aspect of humanity...riiiight...because changing soemthing men have always exhibited is that easy to do. Then her argument goes right off the rails when she is asked about Jack Harkness objectifying women and men in the same fashion on older episodes and she claims that since we
expect it of a flamboyant gay guy, that it is quite alright and that never bothered her. So basically she makes a stupid comment in her post (makes the post ABOUT that comment, instead of properly reviewing the mini-sodes), and then proceeds to not only poorly back it up in the comments, but eventually pushes her own argument right off into men-bashing territory.
Anyways, reading her DW posts pissed me off because they always rode the line between her decidedly vigorous feminism, and her fangirl-ish nature where she just gushed for a few paragraphs and didn't properly review anything at all.
How TOR asks her to write anything is effing beyond me.
EDIT: Yeah Abyss, that's probably why indeed, and I guess I should expect it more.
This post has been edited by QuickTidal: 29 November 2011 - 03:30 PM
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