worry, on 10 June 2014 - 07:51 AM, said:
I was talking over this earlier with @thewordy on Twitter. There's a big problem with how Louie presented the Pamela section - which has some extremely serious sexual assault/male-female dynamic issues being put into play by his character's actions - without an actual real world context or a continuation the next week into a serious exploration.
Instead, we got an unrelated episode or rather an episode that pivoted completely to explore what Louis CK's view on what being a young man may mean. I don't get that. The pivot from sexual assault shown on tv, which is a brave and bold move, to Louie feeling guilty over stuff as a kid is not an apt one. It's like looking at a particularly heavy Malazan moment, let us say the meeting featuring Tavore, Korbolo Dom and Mallick Rel, and cutting away mid-moment to see Korbolo Dom as a child, before returning to what happens.
Yes, the cutaway (used rightly) can make us feel for both sides, but what Korbolo Dom and Mallick Rel are in the midst of doing is a tremendous thing that deserves our full attention. It is a violation and the best way we can respect those violated is to not look away, to confront, to think, to consider and to act. That's why Louie should have moved the In the Woods episode somewhere else in the season. He should have ended it with the full run of Elevators (1-6) and Pamelas (1, 2 and 3).
I'm hoping Pamela 2 and 3 show the same courage and the same willingness to confront the ugliness that the character Louie's actions represent in Pamela 1. Just like he had the courage to show his youngest daughter character being yelled at for being life-endangeringly stupid and his rejection of reassurances offered to him and to the younger daughter by the older daughter. That took gumption and it was right to do.
Erikson has the courage to show us the right ways - or at least to show the violations in full, before wending us readers back to the greying zones.
That was heavy and probably way more than you meant to provoke, worry. Hope this is worth the read.
I survived the Permian and all I got was this t-shirt.