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abyssus abyssum invocat
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The call is coming from inside the house!!!!

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  1. In Topic: Let's talk about Tanith Lee, then.

    Today, 03:24 PM

    View Postpat5150, on 18 January 2025 - 02:32 PM, said:

    If there was an NDA, Betsy wouldn't be talking about it on Facebook every day since this came out a few days back. . .

    Speculation, but if there was an NDA it's unlikely she would have been bound by it. I also have the impression that she speaks her mind.
  2. In Topic: Wind and Truth and SPOILERS

    Today, 03:17 PM

    View Postchamp, on 20 January 2025 - 10:25 AM, said:

    View Postflea, on 18 January 2025 - 04:26 PM, said:

    View PostAbyss, on 18 January 2025 - 04:20 AM, said:

    It was overlong. Plots meandered or else went over points multiple times when the audience should have gotten the message already.


    I'm 62% through The Way of Kings, and I already feel this way. I made the mistake of buying Oathbringer based on the best books of the year thread, and discovered afterwards that it was the third in a door-stop series.

    Is there any reason to expect my attitude will change if I continue?

    Not if you are feeling that on The Way of Kings. That is probably the book with the least of these issues in and it only gets worse. I bailed after book Oathbringer.

    no lie, the series is HUGE, at times it meanders. I vote it's worth the time because the payoffs are generally great, and the overall scope of what BranSan is aiming for is so crazy ambitious that if he even half pulls it off i want to read it.

    ...buuuUUUuuut.... it's a LOT of reading if you're not feeling it, life's to short for that etc.
  3. In Topic: Ye Big Movie thread

    Today, 02:58 PM

    View PostQuickTidal, on 20 January 2025 - 02:40 PM, said:

    Took the kids to SONIC 3...great flick! ... Shadow doing the "Akira Slide" on the Side of a building.

    No one w me understood why i was laughing so hard at that.
  4. In Topic: Let's talk about Tanith Lee, then.

    18 January 2025 - 04:22 AM

    View Postpat5150, on 18 January 2025 - 04:20 AM, said:

    They would have sued DC, not Warner. But such a case would never have made it to court in any event. Sandman was such a cash cow back then that there's no way they would have allowed such legal proceedings to take place. They would have offered Lee a hefty 6-figure settlement to cover this, followed by Gaiman apologizing for "forgetting" to give credit where credit was due.

    The fact that people like us, who've been huge SFF fans for decades, only just heard about this a couple of weeks ago is a bit fishy. Of course, this makes me want to read the books even more. Got my hands on all five of them and planning on giving the first one a shot soon.

    Sadly, if the similarities are that flagrant, it would make it even worse now that Lee has passed away and couldn't even at least appreciate the long due recognition.

    But with this coming straight out of left field, I'm not sure. I mean, I've been following Betsy Wollheim for nearly twenty years, had lunch with her, and attended the Daw annual dinner at the Worldcon in MTL, you would think that such a conspiracy would have been mentioned at some point. . .

    ...or someone crafted one hell of an NDA.
  5. In Topic: Wind and Truth and SPOILERS

    18 January 2025 - 04:20 AM

    Aaaaaaaaand Just Finished.

    I liked it. I did not love it, though i did love parts of it.
    It was overlong. Plots meandered or else went over points multiple times when the audience should have gotten the message already.
    It went deep on the Cosmere and worldbuilding, and while i could have lived with less, i did enjoy the insight into the bigger Shards and gods and worlds plots.
    The action was great. I wish we had gotten more of it and less journeying. Journey-before-destination is all when and good but better when you stop to stab a few baddies with a spear along the way.

    Kaladin... spent entirely too much time angsting about being a therapist. When he actually did it, via stew or music or just trying to talk to crazy ass immortals, i did enjoy the scenes. And his action scenes, few tho they were, were fun. That we got a revisit of 'Honor's dead, but i'll see what I can do." was sheer candy served on a platter. I am releived we didn't get the romance plot with Syl but not certain that's done with.

    Syl was great. I enjoyed her segments, her development, her efforts to be more physical and more 'human' and i liked her initiative away from being Kal's sidekick (we all know he's hers). The last scene where she seems to have inheritted some of the Stormfather's power was very interesting.

    Szeth... Szeth was Kaladin this book. Too much angst. Too much whining. Too much family issues. Too much waaaah my life sucks. And knowing where he ends up to such great detail really just sucked the tension right out of his flashbacks after the first few. His 'revolution' was wasted time it took too long to get to and too long to read. I did enjoy his byplay with Kaladin and Syl tho. And his spren 12124 was surprisingly fun to read/ear, credit to Michael Kramer i think.

    Nial... ok we get it, he's nuts. I thought it was fun to have him join Szeth's plot, but he becme as annoying as Kal found him fairly quickly. He did work well in the finale with Shinn and those events tho.

    Shallan... was fine in her Ghostbloods plot, i liked the revelation about her mom, everything else was just waaaaaaaaay too repetitious. Also she's totally pregnant. And for all the she shared her plot with Relain and Renarin they might as well have been separate storylines.

    Renarin and Relane were fine. Admirably brief and to the point compared to most POV characters.

    Dalinar... too long and too long and waaaaaaaay too long. I enjoyed his finale against Taravodium, but too long to get there. And since he's coming back mean and evil, i hope we get something very different next time.

    Navani. brief and to th point. Enjoyed her doing science last book, would have liked more of that. The odd time she figured something out was always enjoyable.

    Yasnah. I wanted more of. Til we got that debate thing. Predictable, boring even, and the effectively the end of her storyline.

    Taravodium. Iliked his occassional flashes of clever but the moustache twirling evil because evil was meh.

    Lift... should have had more to do. Loved her interludes.

    Leshwy... very enjoyable, admirably brief, i liked the insight into the Listeners.

    Signzil... all good. Brief, on point, his challenges were engaging and the outcome both brutal and satisfying.

    Adolin... bestest storyline in the book by a massive margin. Rivetting even. I enjoyed the hell out of all of it. His prep for the fight, his dealings w the various soldiers and officers, his friendship w the Emperor, THE BATTLE SCENES, Maya, his leg, the stealth mission, the Unoathed, all of it. Adolin's plot made and saved and boosted this book for me hugely.

    The finale... there are elements that could have made more sense about Ishar and the spren and the Oathpact and just what the hell was going on and why... i got it, i think, the new Oathpact locks Odium/Retribution on Roshar and kept the spren away when he absorbed Honor. The Unmade are back in play. The humans are down to just Uruthiru and Azir, Leshwy's people have their own country and possibly a monopoly on charged gems and food and chasm fiends, Dalinar is dead by the Blackthorn serves Retribution, Retribution is building an army for star wars, Shallan is trapped in Shadesmar and setting up her own network, Kal an Syl are off w the new Heralds, Szeth is retired and destined to marry some kid he didn't meet earlier in the story, Navani is in a coma to sheild Uruthiru, Yasnah's depressed, Renarin and Rlane are going to have the most awkward sex ever, Lift is training with Vasher (YAY MORE OF THIS WANT MORE), Sigzil is off becoming the Sunlit Man, Adolin is stuck in Azir but building an army of Unoathed (ALSO YAY), Wit is back on Scadriel.

    May reread a few parts again, will see.

    Thus... i'm a satisfied customer when all's said and done. I can see why some are disappointed or whatever, but i didn't come to the Stormlight Archive expecting Malazan. I was more entertained than not, I'm still in, i can't believe we have to wait five years for the next set but it seems Brandon's got some fun stuff in the works for Scadriel and elsewhere so the story hasn't stopped, just moved. This wasn't the best part of the story, but it was a good, at moments great, part of a story i'm generally enjoying very much.



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  1. Photo


    11 Aug 2019 - 09:32
    Thanks for getting me to 1000. *sniff* lots of pollen around here ...
  2. Photo


    31 Jan 2019 - 15:19
    Unbound Worlds now redirects to the PRH website, so that Top 100 fantasy link no longer works. Here's a very similar one though:
  3. Photo


    31 May 2016 - 03:21
    Because some mobile browsers don't resize and it makes the thread unreadable.
  4. Photo


    30 May 2016 - 18:50
    Just out of curiosity, why is it necessary to spoiler big pics on this forum? They go off the page and don't cause the text to unwrap, and they get resized in mobile browsers. I don't mind doing it; just asking.
  5. Photo


    27 Dec 2013 - 12:11
    Merry Nonsensicus!
  6. Photo


    20 Sep 2013 - 13:20
    And yet you cannot tear your eyes away from it.
  7. Photo

    Mrs Savagely Wishy Washy 

    20 Sep 2013 - 12:23
    There is a word to describe that pic, I just found one in the depths of my convulsing brain. It's DISTURBING but in a funny way.
  8. Photo


    10 Apr 2013 - 17:44
    If you're keeping score, I think my conversation (in a WoT thread, I think) with that one noob-troll about how to get banned from Malazan is worth a few. (i.e. "I recommend telling Malaclypse he's a douchebag.")
  9. Photo


    18 Dec 2012 - 19:27
    When the new order rises, lazy posters will be among the first to be purged.
  10. Photo


    18 Dec 2012 - 19:18
    Good call with the spoilers tags. I didn't want to add them because it makes it extra work to read posts :D
  11. Photo


    21 Nov 2012 - 17:31
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    15 Nov 2012 - 20:08
  13. Photo


    14 Jun 2012 - 17:04
    That's CAThulhu.
  14. Photo

    The dancing game 

    14 Jun 2012 - 16:54
    ph'nglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn!!!
  15. Photo


    30 Mar 2012 - 16:46
    Thanks for setting me up in PEN!
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