Malazan Empire: HoosierDaddy - Viewing Profile - Malazan Empire

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44 years old
October 8, 1980

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  1. In Topic: The USA Politics Thread

    14 February 2025 - 10:09 PM

    Sometimes you have to tear the whole thing down when the rot gets too bad. I only hope it isn't as painful as possible and there is still something to put back together.
  2. In Topic: The USA Politics Thread

    11 February 2025 - 04:23 PM

    History doesn't repeat itself, but it rhymes. The same old lessons need to be relearned. You only get to hold people down as long as they believe they aren't being held down. Trump and Musk threaten to make the behind the scenes class struggle so preeminent and dominant that it stops being a struggle... and turns back into a war.

    Rich people tend to do well... until they forget how terribly badly they are outnumbered.
  3. In Topic: Reading at t'moment?

    07 February 2025 - 03:53 PM

    View PostAbyss, on 07 February 2025 - 03:10 PM, said:

    View PostHoosierDaddy, on 07 February 2025 - 02:04 PM, said:

    Just want to give a final verdict on Dungeon Crawler Carl through Book 7.

    It's so good. And I've heard that the audiobooks are even better due to the voice acting.

    The LitRPG nature of the series is always present, but it isn't at the forefront after book 3 or so. It provides the foundation for the story and helps provide plot points to move it forward, but in the end it is a much larger story.

    It reminds me somewhat of Malazan in that the story and plot are one thing, but the theme is the important part.

    It is hilarious though. Great fun. 9 out of 10. Tempted to reread immediately as I know I missed on little details that help make the story even better.

    Can't wait for book 8.

    godsdammit it's converting malazfans now????

    It's so different as to not be comparable really. But there is a lot more than meets the eye at first glance. It definitely hand holds you through the first couple of books, but the universe blooms beautifully.
  4. In Topic: Reading at t'moment?

    07 February 2025 - 02:04 PM

    Just want to give a final verdict on Dungeon Crawler Carl through Book 7.

    It's so good. And I've heard that the audiobooks are even better due to the voice acting.

    The LitRPG nature of the series is always present, but it isn't at the forefront after book 3 or so. It provides the foundation for the story and helps provide plot points to move it forward, but in the end it is a much larger story.

    It reminds me somewhat of Malazan in that the story and plot are one thing, but the theme is the important part.

    It is hilarious though. Great fun. 9 out of 10. Tempted to reread immediately as I know I missed on little details that help make the story even better.

    Can't wait for book 8.
  5. In Topic: The USA Politics Thread

    05 February 2025 - 08:55 PM

     Azath Vitr (D, on 05 February 2025 - 07:56 PM, said:

     QuickTidal, on 05 February 2025 - 01:39 PM, said:

    And I keep coming back to the fact that none of your laws (be they from congress or otherwise) mean anything any all if they are not enforced. Yeah, Trump and Musk are breaking all kinds of laws I'm sure, but unless someone actually enforces the laws, they are toilet paper.

    Your republic is dying and everyone who could be doing things to stop it... are just watching it burn.


    But yeah, where are all the mass protests? I finally read about some protests today, but they were comparatively small. I thought masses of people out there love to protest? Are they already afraid that Trump will just have them shot? Use it as an excuse to seize even more power even more rapidly than he otherwise would?


    (Kidding! Though the former might also be true---if you can find other people, and they're not armed too....)

    Why no mass protests? Several reasons:

    1. They haven't rounded up the right people yet.
    2. Most of this is a bureaucratic coup that is way less tangible than #1.
    3. This was predictable. What is predictable can be expected, and what can be expected can be shrugged at as inevitable.

    Honestly our dumbasses voted for it. You get what you pay for, and we bought the easy answers and easy choices, the clever but simple justifications and easily glossed over lies.

    We (some far more than others) deserve what we get.


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  1. Photo


    07 Oct 2023 - 20:22
    43! Woohoo!
  2. Photo


    07 Oct 2022 - 20:35
    42 my dude - meaning of life! Hope you have a great one. At least it's a Saturday.
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    08 Oct 2021 - 08:37
    41 ... kinda "meh" really. But at least it's a Friday so enjoy. Happy birthday dude.
  4. Photo


    07 Oct 2020 - 20:01
    40! Dun dun dunnnnn ...
    Make it a good one :)
  5. Photo


    06 Jul 2020 - 07:57
    "A poor man's idea of a rich man.
    A weak man's idea of a strong man.
    A stupid man's idea of a genius."
    I'm not actually sure where it is from. But I've seen the "poor man's idea of a rich man" quote used about Trump and his gaudy taste more than once.
  6. Photo


    07 Oct 2019 - 19:35
    Enjoy your last year in your 30s
  7. Photo


    08 Oct 2018 - 07:56
    Like last year, except with more boobs and explosions!
  8. Photo


    07 Oct 2017 - 16:52
    Happy birthday you big hunk of Indianan. May you spend it In-Diana (as in WW)
  9. Photo


    02 Feb 2016 - 21:30
    So do you agree to the terms? Cruz wins Alabama, you get my avatar for a month. Cruz doesn't win Alabama, I get your avatar for a month.
  10. Photo


    10 Dec 2015 - 08:51
    Hey, thanks for the comment, there's a new video up now and I'm going to try and do some more today! :)
  11. Photo


    07 Oct 2015 - 20:00
    Happy 35th :)
  12. Photo


    30 Jun 2015 - 07:10
    So when are you going to change the subtitle of the American Politics thread to something about Democalypse 2016?
  13. Photo


    19 Jan 2015 - 11:47
    I have allowed the weather to catch up to me. I still want to come soon though. Email me because this is awkward - terez27 at gmail dot com.
  14. Photo


    28 Nov 2014 - 02:53
    We have corn!
  15. Photo


    27 Nov 2014 - 21:13
    Don't get out much? :D I have driven through Indy a couple of times now; I had to go to IU to scan 3 books when I was up here visiting in the spring. I thought about hitting you up then, but I figured I would get around to it when I moved up here permanently. Less rush. :) Some time soon, when the weather is good.
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