Malazan Empire: Vengeance - Viewing Profile - Malazan Empire

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User Rating: ****-

Reputation: 1096 Has Done Shameful Things for Rep
Active Posts:
9,453 (1.51 per day)
Most Active In:
MAFIA (3924 posts)
27-June 07
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User is offline Yesterday, 11:57 AM

My Information

Member Title:
High Priest of Shinrei Love and Worship
47 years old
May 10, 1977

Contact Information

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very good...;)

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  • Photo Tsundoku 
    10 May 2023 - 08:19
  • Photo Brujah 
    27 Aug 2022 - 04:12
  • Photo Guest
    05 Aug 2022 - 21:51
  • Photo bubba 
    26 Oct 2021 - 21:49
  • Photo Daser 
    04 Aug 2021 - 20:25

Posts I've Made

  1. In Topic: The USA Politics Thread

    22 July 2024 - 03:17 AM

     worry, on 22 July 2024 - 01:30 AM, said:

    I'll start listening to Nate Silver after my lobotomy.

    Edit: Sorry, that was probably too snappish. It's the combination of polls and punditry that is excruciating, for sure, but Nate Silver has increasingly moved towards (embarrassing) punditry over the years too, so when he pretends to be above the fray it's galling.

    It isn't snappish enough. Nate was decent 16 years ago. His movement to the right makes sense when you realize that he is owned by Peter Theil. Nate has moved over to be another mouth piece for that scum bag.
  2. In Topic: The USA Politics Thread

    21 July 2024 - 09:19 PM

    48% have serious lead poisoning
  3. In Topic: The USA Politics Thread

    21 July 2024 - 08:49 PM

    She is polljng better with the younger crowd. If there is a convention fight and she loses the Dems will lose the black, women, and Hispanic vote. Which would kill the dem party.

    If she chooses whitmore then we have two women and you have a solid shot at locking MI up. Mayor Pete would also be a good choice he has done a great job as Transportation sec.
  4. In Topic: The USA Politics Thread

    21 July 2024 - 06:36 PM

    This is such a shit show. I voted for Biden and Harris. Any other candidate is a direct slap to the face of the hundreds of millions of Democrats who voted in the primarys. This is bullshit.
  5. In Topic: The USA Politics Thread

    20 July 2024 - 04:08 AM

    This is the stupidest time line


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  1. Photo


    10 May 2023 - 08:20
    happy birthday Vengy
  2. Photo


    09 May 2022 - 20:00
    wtf? 45?
    Happy birthday dude
  3. Photo


    09 May 2020 - 23:19
  4. Photo


    09 May 2019 - 20:02
    Surely you can't be 42!!?? Happy birthday anyway.
  5. Photo


    31 Jan 2016 - 02:52
    You still in Chicago? If so, what are you doing next Saturday? I will probably be in town to meet up with a friend from high school.
  6. Photo

    masan's saddle 

    22 Sep 2012 - 22:52
    Nice posts in the DB today.
  7. Photo


    10 May 2011 - 02:32
    Well it's a few hours early but I'll join the Euros in wishing you a happy birthday as well.
  8. Photo


    10 May 2010 - 11:49
    Happy birthday, old man!
  9. Photo


    10 May 2010 - 10:15
    Happy birthday~
  10. Photo


    12 Jan 2010 - 02:50
    I see and laugh at the many inside jokes in your latest post. It was great to see you again in Chicago.
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