Malazan Empire: Terez - Viewing Profile - Malazan Empire

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17-January 07
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Member Title:
High Analyst of TQB
46 years old
May 27, 1978
United States of North America

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AIM  terez2727
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Skype  Terez27

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WoT Fangirl, Rank Traitor

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Terez  I miss y'all sometimes

Jan 27 2019 11:29 AM

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Tsundoku  Jun 07 2023 07:18 AM
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Terez  Happiness is a warm gun (bang bang shoot shoot) (go away NSA, it's a song)

Jan 21 2015 02:40 PM

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  1. Photo


    05 Mar 2010 - 21:44
    I made it to part two.
    I consider it a feat. Not to mention the dubbing goes out.
    Probably best you didn't watch it.
  2. Photo


    05 Mar 2010 - 21:28
    That Reefer madness video is one boring piece of work.
    How on Earth anyone could have taken that seriously is beyond me.
  3. Photo


    05 Mar 2010 - 07:28
    It seems as though you are in a pick-a-fighty-mood in the "declare your views thread.
    Feel free to pick-a-fighty with me over my first question/statement, if you wanna.
    It's something I seriously wonder and debate about with myself on practical and moral grounds.
  4. Photo


    04 Mar 2010 - 15:42
    End rant! lol
  5. Photo


    04 Mar 2010 - 15:42
    I just don't see how jesus is all becomes and answer for taking away a woman's right to choose or for denying people their basic rights or how it makes alot of things okay. If someone really is against all of those things I'd at least like to hear why they as a person feel that way, not just something like jesus is all. An answer to the questions rather than hiding behind religion...
  6. Photo


    04 Mar 2010 - 15:39
    Oh you mean the rep, I was like the rest of what... what it said was " I was wondering what that answer had to do with anything." I'm just not a fan of answers like that. I hate it when people just use that as a blanket answer for things. Having strong faith or beliefs is great but at least give an intelligent response. Everyone else had reasons or justifications for their stance
  7. Photo


    03 Mar 2010 - 23:58
    I'm hiding.
    Keep me secret. Keep me safe.
  8. Photo


    03 Mar 2010 - 15:31
    Right I find them easier to work with too. They're much more streamlined imo. I tried to argue that they're more than just trendy, to little or no avail lol. I'm not computer savy enough to be up on the whole Linux thing. So did anyone else know it was GG on your desktop??? I'm guessing no....
  9. Photo


    03 Mar 2010 - 03:30
    Yes I have to agree GG was yummy at that age. I get what you're saying on the Mac front, it's certainly easier for me to buy one on my income, but I know for people on a budget they aren't always a practical option. So I completely understand. I guess I just don't like it when people say they're crap, because that's really not the case.
  10. Photo


    02 Mar 2010 - 22:41
    No actually I had been meaning to ask where you were last week and just didn't get around to it.
    As to the desktop pic I'm going to guess Glenn Gould....of course I could be wrong. Very nice pic though
  11. Photo


    02 Mar 2010 - 19:23
    Where are you terez! I spent most of last week trying to defend the virtues of all things Mac on my own! Could've used you there for support, you're much better at laying the smack down than I am lol.
  12. Photo

    Tiste Simeon 

    18 Feb 2010 - 08:54
    Not a problem, I wasn't too worried, and it's a lot better then some of the stuff I have had on here for example "ZOMG anyone who is relegos is an idiot!!!!1!!11" etc. ;)
  13. Photo


    12 Feb 2010 - 21:24
    Lol better hurry it looks like the melt is starting!
  14. Photo


    12 Feb 2010 - 00:24
    I don't know. Quietly lurking off into full time lurker land, I think.
  15. Photo


    10 Feb 2010 - 23:44
    How do you do it? I don't even have the energy to keep READING that god belief thread anymore...
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