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10,203 (1.51 per day)
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The Phoenix Inn (2226 posts)
28-September 06
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User is offline Today, 03:21 AM

My Information

Member Title:
39 years old
November 27, 1985
Upstate NY
Hopping around

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AIM  thapaguru
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  1. In Topic: What's messing with your groove?

    Today, 12:34 AM

    I have to go to NYC every now and then. My boss prefers to go in her modified van because it's the most accessible form of transportation to her. She then gets me to ride in the backseat of the minivan and unfortunately, it is the single worst seat I have ever say on for an extended period of time.

    I have sat on old plastic lawn chairs that broke under me that were more comfortable.

    It's so bad that I'm legit hurting several hours later. I have to not do this again - the work I put in to travel elsewhere is worth not feeling like this.
  2. In Topic: Whats making you happy right now

    Yesterday, 01:39 PM

     TheRetiredBridgeburner, on 27 March 2025 - 11:53 AM, said:

    I had my autism assessment yesterday. I was expecting it to be far more nerve-wracking than it turned out to be, the assessor was a really kind gentleman who was very easy to speak to. I'm officially diagnosed with a very long report to follow up, but it feels good to have the process out of the way and to not be thrown a curveball by the outcome (it's what we expected). I did speak about the differences/quirks having made me wonder if I wasn't a very nice person in the past when I was younger, and the assessors said some very kind things about that and about the need to frame it not as something "wrong" but merely a perfectly valid difference in how I experience the world and think about it. I'm very pleased I decided to go down this route.

    Congrats! I'm happy there was a good moment of empathy by the assessors for you in the recursive loop about what happened long ago.

    Nice is also extremely flexible as a concept - there's a bunch of unpacking to do in regards to who wants something nice, what they think is nice, and what they're actually given because these things are not always the same at any given moment.
  3. In Topic: The USA Politics Thread

    25 March 2025 - 07:42 PM

    There's an element of aristocratic palace drama in hurrying to congratulate the shiny thing while someone important is looking.

    The oddest thing about this is that Trump is mostly checked out other than photo ops. This isn't stuff he tracks or takes action on - Vance, Rubio are who's being suctioned.
  4. In Topic: The USA Politics Thread

    25 March 2025 - 12:13 PM

    The point has always been to enlarge their power - to rule, to abuse, and to avoid accountability.

    The Senate Democrats who are voting for any Trump appointee do not understand that this isn't a government that they understand. It's a kleptocracy atop a steadily dying bureaucracy. Everything, every position should be met with uniform No votes even if it means a loss.
  5. In Topic: Ye Big Movie thread

    16 March 2025 - 09:44 PM

    The Menu is an absolute classic.

    I've come away from it thinking about how it very well encapsulates Trump, the beltway media, voters of different kinds, the need for real world application of expertise and the interplay of money in that, and how the death cult still gets so many people. Wow. Spectacular movie on multiple levels.

    I enjoy the contempt the movie has for those who think they're above the chaos a despot brings.


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  1. Photo


    27 Nov 2024 - 12:03
    happy #39, wow
  2. Photo


    27 Nov 2023 - 09:14
    happy #38
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    26 Nov 2022 - 20:52
    Happy another one, hope things are looking up for you.
  4. Photo


    26 Nov 2021 - 22:43
    happy birthday
  5. Photo


    13 Apr 2015 - 21:01
    I love how well you write in discussions. It's like a far more articulate version of me saying things I want to say.
  6. Photo


    26 Nov 2014 - 09:15
    I needed an excuse to change my profile status so I used it to respond to your incredulity that I am still alive.
  7. Photo


    29 Nov 2012 - 20:46
    Um, the NEW SANDMAN trades have the Absolute -recolouring-...but the older trades don't. You can see a comparison here at the link below and personally I think it's staggeringly different for tonal value of the panels.
  8. Photo


    17 Aug 2012 - 16:02
    Oh, and cheers for calling me out on the pics on the election thread, I have a bad habit of not registering if a thread's in Discussion or not but I will cut down on the no content posts there.
  9. Photo


    05 May 2012 - 04:34
    heh, sorry, didn't mean to make it look like you were resentful of my presence or anything. I just felt most comfortable approaching you about it. As QT mentioned there are others who feel the same as him. I'll still be around, but I'm just saying I wouldn't be offended. :p
  10. Photo


    05 May 2012 - 04:11
    By the way, if you guys want to have a Terez-free WoT thread, I wouldn't object to that. To be honest, I probably won't be discussing WoT online much longer anyway. It's not good for me. ;) I'm told some people feel like they have to defend a dissertation to discuss WoT with me. Not true, really, but I get it.
  11. Photo


    11 Jan 2012 - 20:26
    and dont be rude you little bastard
  12. Photo


    09 Nov 2011 - 03:48
    You doubled back for GOTM and DG? tell me did you read them in the correct order?personally i read DG b4 GOTM
  13. Photo


    06 Jul 2011 - 14:53
    I will look into getting my hands on it :) By myself.
    Have you seen Valhalla Rising?
  14. Photo


    06 Jul 2011 - 14:46
    I saw you said something about Winter's Bone, I recently watched it :D I liked it :D
  15. Photo


    11 Jun 2011 - 06:43
    I have not. I'll see it at some point.
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