Malazan Empire: QuickTidal - Viewing Profile - Malazan Empire

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Reputation: 2549 Repper Messiah
Team Quick Ben
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24,399 (3.55 per day)
Most Active In:
Movies, TV and Music (9784 posts)
05-November 05
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User is offline Nov 15 2023 12:57 PM

My Information

Member Title:
47 years old
February 2, 1977
Nowhere Specific
Nothing, just sitting. Quietly.

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Topics I've Started

  1. Guilty Pleasure Reads

    20 September 2023 - 12:19 PM

    Dunno if we've ever had a thread like this, but I was prompted by my buddy (who is mostly a Sci-Fi reader) saying he unabashedly enjoys the Jack Reacher books.

    Mine are the Clive Cussler books, and probably James Rollins too. Just trashy, soapy dude-ish beach reads about adventure, treasure, and Bond-like leads.

    What are your guilty pleasure reads. Stuff you'd not want to admit to your English Lit teacher, but are like popcorn fun for you?
  2. Nintendo Direct 2023

    14 September 2023 - 02:42 PM

    A New PRINCE OF PERSIA SIDE-SCROLLER game?! holy shit you have my attention!

    MARIO WONDER yeah no brainer, I'll be getting that.

    HORIZON 2 looks like something my kids would enjoy playing.

    A SPY X FAMILY game? Very cool.

    MARIO RPG looks like Classic FF in Marion mode. I will definitely play it.

    PRINCESS PEACH does that look that fun? Crazy fun.

    TOMB RAIDER 1-3 remastered....uh....I dunno, I feel like playing these now would not give me the same enjoyment as they did as a kid, even with the remastering.

    UNICORN OVERLORD...huh, not typically my jam but looks really good!

    BANDLE TALE: A LEAGUE OF LEGENDS cozy game? Amaze. Will definitely get.

    EIYUDEN CHRONCILES looks fun...not sure if it goes beyond the generic-RPG-ness...but the character designs and backgrounds look long as the gameplay Is there, I'll try it.

    A few too many Mario games....I get it...but still...

    As a cozy gamer on my Switch for the most part, BANDLE TALE is the one that popped out to me the most as that's right up my alley. Crating? Fishing? Festivals? yeah...that's 100% my jam.


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  1. Photo


    01 Feb 2023 - 20:02
    ... where I'm going, I don't need roads ...
  2. Photo


    01 Feb 2023 - 15:02
    Thanks man, you're always the first to wish me a happy bday due to you being slightly in the future!
  3. Photo


    01 Feb 2023 - 14:27
    and another one
  4. Photo


    01 Feb 2022 - 20:07
    Huh, comment disappeared. Happy birthday dude.
  5. Photo


    01 Feb 2022 - 20:06
    Jeez dude, are you 45? I feel old.
    Happy birthday, hope it's a good one.
  6. Photo


    01 Feb 2021 - 20:31
    happy 44th!
  7. Photo


    01 Feb 2019 - 18:04
    Thanks man!
  8. Photo


    01 Feb 2019 - 18:01
    Happy #42 - the meaning of everything!
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    01 Feb 2019 - 18:00
    Happy #42 - the meaning of everything!
  10. Photo


    01 Feb 2018 - 20:08
    Thanks man!
  11. Photo


    01 Feb 2018 - 19:57
    Happy #41
  12. Photo


    04 Dec 2016 - 01:55
    Done, sorry Ando, I didnt realize it was full.
  13. Photo


    03 Dec 2016 - 18:00
    Hey, could you make a little bit of room in your inbox?
  14. Photo


    17 Mar 2016 - 22:32
    lol, I focused right on 'redolent' too! Not sure why, but I felt like it was worth pointing out with my post :P
  15. Photo


    02 Feb 2014 - 13:11
    LOL. Truth. Thanks Sombra.
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