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  1. In Topic: The USA Politics Thread

    24 July 2024 - 06:32 PM


    Trump doesn't really laugh. He smirks; he bares his teeth silently. [... Trump's father] drilled into his son that "laughing is to make yourself vulnerable, it's to let down your guard in some way, it's to lose a little bit of control. And that can't happen."

    Trump has struggled to come up with attack lines against her[... except for] one specific target: Harris's laugh. "I call her 'laughing Kamala,'" he said. "Have you ever watched her laugh? She is crazy. You can tell a lot by a laugh … She is nuts." Harris does indeed laugh;

    Kamala Harris and the Threat of a Woman's Laugh - The Atlantic

    OTOH... according to survey-based psychology research, a lot of Trump supporters are motivated by status anxiety and perceived threat to the ideas of race and gender hierarchies and divisions of labor they've internalized. They may be "triggered" by liberated women or young people or the children of immigrants or people of color or Democrats (etc. etc.) laughing at them. The GOP seems fond of running ads in which Democrats are laughing in slow motion. And while those types probably already supported Trump, they could become more motivated to turn out and vote. So it could backfire. But it seems like the internet is doing an excellent job of turning it into a greater positive. In a new national poll since Biden dropped out Harris is leading Trump by 2 points, but multiple swing state polls prior to Biden dropping out had Trump substantially ahead of her, so we'll see... I have a feeling that her campaign (helped by all the internet support, and all the cash) will be able to substantially boost her numbers.

    It will be interesting to find out her position on Gaza, and see whether that makes a substantial difference in likely voter turn-out...
  2. In Topic: The USA Politics Thread

    23 July 2024 - 11:48 PM

    Wonder if Trump and Harris will go head to head on Trump saying she shouldn't even be a citizen, going on about how terrible immigrants are, with Harris saying she's a shining example of how wonderful birthright citizenship is, and Trump responding with some variant on how she's a great example of how terrible it is.

    Seems like the fringe legal theory Trump and his cronies invoked actually might apply retroactively, to revoke her citizenship:


    According to one argument — which most legal experts reject — the "jurisdiction" phrase [in the 14th Amendment to the Constitution] excludes noncitizens because they can't vote, serve on juries, or be tried for treason.

    [...] "An executive order could specify to federal agencies that the children of noncitizens are not citizens, [...] Why shouldn't the president act to defend the clear meaning of the 14th Amendment?"

    Can Trump revoke birthright citizenship? Nearly all on left and right say no. - POLITICO

    ... OTOH I imagine that making that explicit might encourage people who would lose their citizenship (and right to vote, among many other things) to vote....

    Still, I wouldn't be shocked if Trump started talking about revoking her citizenship and deporting her... to somewhere. Probably a prison for the criminally insane... maybe on an island he can safely nuke if necessary?
  3. In Topic: The USA Politics Thread

    23 July 2024 - 10:24 PM

    View Postworry, on 23 July 2024 - 09:14 PM, said:

    We may have to wait and see how the GOP calling Harris a childless cat lady -- despite being a married stepmother of two -- plays with suburban moms.

    I'd expect a large number of voters to assume her "children" are actually actors and/or lizard people and/or demons as part of a grand conspiracy to make it seem like Trump &co are lying.

    Then again maybe Trump and the GOP will lean hard into "children don't count unless you give birth to them"?... Natural born children?

    They've already resurrected a mutation of Birtherism to attack her with. Falsely claiming that since her parents weren't US citizens when she was born she's not a "natural born citizen" and so not eligible to run for president.

    FACT FOCUS: A look at false claims around Kamala Harris and her campaign for the White House - ABC News (

    Though of course Trump has said he wants to end birthright citizenship. Did he also say he wanted to have that apply retroactively?...
  4. In Topic: The USA Politics Thread

    23 July 2024 - 05:28 PM

    View PostCause, on 23 July 2024 - 05:08 PM, said:

    Director of the secret service resigned. Seemed dems republicans all wanted her too.

    I'm not really against it but I'm not for it either. The secret service protects trump, joe Biden, embassies and fights counterfeit currency. The buck stops with her as Director I suppose but I don't think she really had or even has the time to be involved in the minutia of a single trump rally when they happen every week.

    If Trumps detail fucked up, which they obviously did, is it her fault? Unless she directly contributed to the error in some way? Political expediency or accountability?

    Reportedly Trump / Trump's people asked for more security multiple times and were refused.

    She was trying to reduce costs, which might have led to hiring fewer agents and more reliance on local police.

    The local police were apparently the primary source of the errors.

    Worst of all... Trump's still alive! Just kidding... well, mostly...

    Meanwhile... since Biden dropped out, Kamala's campaign has raised over 100 million dollars. To put that in perspective---their entire war chest was only about 240 million dollars. In the entire second quarter of 2024 Democrats raised only $264 million, while Trump and the RNC raised $331 million.

    And she's already secured enough delegates to win the nomination.
  5. In Topic: Music

    23 July 2024 - 10:08 AM

    View PostMaark Abbott, on 23 July 2024 - 07:06 AM, said:

    My band's EP is out on spotify / YT music etc now :3

    Balgurra | Spotify


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    21 Jul 2021 - 12:48
    I hear it's always sunny there
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    Azath Vitr (D'ivers 

    14 Aug 2019 - 21:23
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    14 Aug 2019 - 07:51
    Damn, dude. Where the heck are you???
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