Malazan Empire: Kellanved's shadow - Viewing Profile - Malazan Empire

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Reputation: 6 Good
Malaz Regular
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78 (0.02 per day)
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General Book Topics (27 posts)
30-December 15
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User is offline Sep 18 2019 07:00 AM

My Information

Member Title:
The blade in the shadow
Age Unknown
Birthday Unknown
being king of high house shadow
ordering Cotillion
ordering the Hounds
commanding shadows (oh wait I am a shadow)

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About Me

I like to sit in my throne bullying the Hounds of Shadow As well As Cotillion. My favorite past time is to make fun of Dassem Ultor whenever he visits my Warren as well as any other pathetic single minded fool who happens to show up. I hate Quick Ben for constantly escaping my clutches again and again. If I ever get a hold of him again I'll finish him off myself instead of entrusting the matter to another. Also have to find a way to get Apsalar back without breaking my promise, other wise Cotillion will use that rope on me and I will be forced to call upon the Hounds and every demon in my Warren to keep him from me. Oh and have to get a New Magi of shadow. The one I have now keeps insulting me and pretends that I can't hear him!
"I walked this land when the T'lan Imass were but children. I have commanded armies a hundred thousand strong. I have spread the fire of my wrath across entire continents, and sat alone upon tall thrones. Do you grasp the meaning of this?"
"Yes" said Brood , "you never learn".


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  1. Photo

    Kellanved's shadow 

    28 Mar 2016 - 07:39
    From Mother Dark
    To Father Light
    No Malazan shall escape my sight
    When all those who worship Lasseen's might
    Beware my blade
    Crimson Guard unite
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