Malazan Empire: Maark Abbott - Viewing Profile - Malazan Empire

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Reputation: 638 Gangsta Repper
Malaz Regular
Active Posts:
6,018 (1.68 per day)
Most Active In:
The Phoenix Inn (1757 posts)
11-November 14
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User is offline Aug 30 2024 11:51 AM

My Information

Member Title:
Part Time Catgirl
36 years old
November 10, 1987
Lether, apparently...

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About Me

2b 5c 6c sword of decimation d.c. 2c 2d 2c 6d jc j5c j5c j2c j5d j5c land j5c j5c j2c

Aspiring author, Barnsley based, Dorset born. Debut novel due for completing Q1 2016, hopefully being released Q3 or Q4 2016.

Debut novel 'Incarnate' now available on Kindle



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  1. Photo


    10 Nov 2023 - 09:39
    happy 36th Maate
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    09 Nov 2022 - 21:28
    35 mate, you young whipper-snapper. Hope things are going better for you. Stay warm.
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    09 Nov 2021 - 20:42
    and again Maate. Light at the end of the tunnel?
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    10 Nov 2020 - 07:49
    Another year, and quite the shitty one at that, but at least the back end of it might have some promise. Happy birthday
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    10 Nov 2019 - 00:37
    Has it been a year? Yeesh. Happy birthday again. At least you're back reading.
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    Maark Abbott 

    09 Nov 2018 - 18:52
    Thanks ^^ I'll read a sugary manga. Madoka looks promising...
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    09 Nov 2018 - 18:45
    happy birthday Maarky Maark. I hope you get a book that revives your urge to read. Bonus points if it isn't grimdark ;)
  8. Photo

    Maark Abbott 

    12 Jan 2017 - 07:17
    It's true. Mu tends to be my profile picture in most places. Her or Mai. Gotta maintain the harem, after all.
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    The Lord of Moon's Spawn 

    11 Jan 2017 - 16:41
    And just so you know, I'm just trying to irritate you by spelling ya name with one A. :p
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    The Lord of Moon's Spawn 

    11 Jan 2017 - 16:37
    Konichiwa, Mark-chan :)
    Sorry for the late reply; lol, I'm nor even sure why I made this account. So yeah. But Hail Hydra, ya know. Haha.
    Also, belief it or not, I kinda imagined you'd have a BB avatar, after I'd seen your cover image. Nice to see I'm not always wrong. :p
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    Maark Abbott 

    10 Jan 2017 - 06:39
    Sosuke-tan! Kon'nichiwa!
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    The Lord of Moon's Spawn 

    08 Jan 2017 - 23:41
    Aizen here. (Lol.)
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    Maark Abbott 

    23 Nov 2015 - 07:28
    No chance.
  14. Photo


    10 Nov 2015 - 07:57
    Happy birthday. Now have a birthday shave - I dare you. ;)
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