Malazan Empire: Sebastian White - Viewing Profile - Malazan Empire

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03-July 12
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User is offline Nov 07 2012 08:49 PM

My Information

Member Title:
Author of a Thousand Dreams
54 years old
October 24, 1970
Carronbridge, William Wallace crossed the river just 5 mins jog from here... I do a lot of running - and no not from the police!
Reading, Writing... Arithmetic - I don't know why I said the latter, felt sort of obliged, but I am definitely a proponent of the former two!

Contact Information

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Whatever extra comment you want:
Dreams... are merely unrealised ambitions!!!

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About Me

Conceiver of the preposterous, and realiser of the impossible...

I know what you're thinking: "That's very probably preprosterously impossible!"

Indeed but it's also, very possibly - un-preposterous disproportionally conceivable!

*** Look, we could be going around in these circles forever, not unlike the proverbial rowing boat, powered by a one armed man, with just the one oar. Consider Dujek Onearm, strategic militarist genius - lousy rower! You can't hold that against him - the poor bloke, he only has one arm... or rather he can't - well he can't the missing appendage that is! Well, I am pretty sure you get my gist...

To summarize, as Shakespeare said: "We are the things - but squirrels are made of, or chestnut eating squirrels..."
Do squirrels eat chestnuts or it acorns?

I know profound...


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  1. Photo


    20 Dec 2022 - 01:00
    So how did Quirky Claus go?
  2. Photo


    07 Feb 2015 - 00:32
    You disappeared!
  3. Photo

    Sebastian White 

    26 Aug 2012 - 20:09
    I have a comment written by someone, besides myself!!!
    I tried to persaude my cat, but his little kitty paws would not quite negotiate the keyboard! Who'd have thought? He's fine playing Beethoven ninth synphony on the grand piano...
  4. Photo


    24 Aug 2012 - 22:38
    found it!
    the pic
    in the top right corner you can press on you name then my profile
    then a bit down on the right side there is a edit my profile button

    12:20 AM
    Sebastian W...
    has left the room
    and you can fix it there
  5. Photo

    Sebastian White 

    24 Aug 2012 - 22:10
    Nothing like being popular, and yes - this is nothing like being popular!!!
  6. Photo

    Sebastian White 

    25 Jul 2012 - 18:24
    Sounds of cavernous echoes of surround expansive "empty" room... ?
  7. Photo

    Sebastian White 

    25 Jul 2012 - 18:23
    Erm anybody there...?
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