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User is offline Aug 29 2024 07:25 PM

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House Knight
33 years old
April 1, 1991
Ivory Tower

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  1. In Topic: The Russia Politics and War in Ukraine Thread

    18 August 2024 - 09:23 PM

    I also heard a rumor that ukrainians drove a t34 out of a museum in kursk and used it to fire on the russians, which forced the russians to destroy it which pissed them off.

    Dont have a confirmed report though.
  2. In Topic: The Russia Politics and War in Ukraine Thread

    18 August 2024 - 07:40 PM

    View PostMacros, on 18 August 2024 - 08:42 AM, said:

    What if chamberlain secured peace in our time?

    Hitler didn't have nukes and given what his attitude to his people was if he had nuclear weapons he'd have seen the entire world perish as a result of the failure of the german people to beat the allied forces conventionally.
  3. In Topic: The Russia Politics and War in Ukraine Thread

    18 August 2024 - 01:22 AM

    View PostWerthead, on 17 August 2024 - 07:44 PM, said:

    Since then, various allies (including the UK) have sort of warmed to the idea, not of combat troops but of engineers, trainers and rear-echelon personnel who could free up Ukrainian forces to go to other sectors.

    There have been other interesting variations on the idea. Poland has also suggested that any Russian missile that enters range of Poland's Patriot batteries along the border is fair game, so Poland will shoot down Russian missiles overflying Ukrainian territory, allowing Ukrainian AA units (some are just a few miles away on the other side of the border) to relocate to more advantageous areas. It's Ukraine's allies taking a more direct role which is stopping short of directly firing on Russian troops.

    It's also a powerful psychological message that Ukraine's allies will not let Ukraine fall, and if they have to escalate to the point of direct confrontation with Russia, so be it. That's a difficult challenge for Putin, as it risks the situation spiralling out of his control.

    Right... but what if putin calls that bluff. Or worse yet its not a bluff and its an escalation.
  4. In Topic: The Russia Politics and War in Ukraine Thread

    17 August 2024 - 06:09 PM

    Well thats interesting. Not sure what Macron was smoking.
  5. In Topic: The Russia Politics and War in Ukraine Thread

    01 August 2024 - 10:11 PM

    View PostTsundoku, on 30 July 2024 - 07:54 AM, said:

    View PostWerthead, on 29 July 2024 - 10:47 PM, said:

    View PostMacros, on 29 July 2024 - 07:44 PM, said:

    Wait, what??

    The Russia-Ukrainian War is now being fought on three continents, with the main conflict in Europe (obviously), Ukrainian Spec Forces engaging Russian Wagner forces in Africa and armed guards on Ukrainian cargo ships shooting down (Russian-aligned) Houthi drones off the coast of Yemen.

    Now all we need is Russian mercs in the employ of Venezuela to invade Guyana only to be driven back by Ukrainian forces who've somehow teleported in and we'll be getting towards the full set.

    More seriously, this is where the risk of escalation starts getting more real, if perhaps also more deniable: I'd be shocked if France wasn't involved in helping the Ukrainian and rebel forces (whom the French were fighting up until three years ago but hey ho) as well, they are really keen to kick Wagner's arse off the continent (note that the behaviour of French forces in Africa has also been contentious as well, I suspect most locals would be keen for them all to F off). If we end up with French and Wagner forces shooting at each other, that could be a hairy moment. Though having said that, some Wagner mercenaries engaged US forces in Syria a few years back and were completely annihilated and Russia did nothing about it.

    Hey Ment, isn't there supposed to be metric shit-tons of Ukrainians in Canada? Like ... calgary, or somewhere like that? I swear I saw a doco on it years ago.

    And back in the day, there were loads of Russians in Bondi ... :ermm:

    Canada does indeed have a sizeable ukrainian population (estimated at 1.2m or 3.5% of total which is a pretty large slice given our country's demographics.



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  1. Photo


    01 Apr 2024 - 00:53
    Damn LP - 33? Have a great one.
  2. Photo


    31 Mar 2023 - 22:59
    yet again, hope it's a good one
  3. Photo


    31 Mar 2022 - 20:00
    another one
  4. Photo


    01 Apr 2021 - 11:08
    and again
  5. Photo


    31 Mar 2020 - 21:04
    happy birthday
  6. Photo


    11 Sep 2012 - 17:44
    Keep your spoilers off my profile too, while you're at it.
  7. Photo


    11 Sep 2012 - 17:41
    Mentioning anything at all that is revealed in later books is a spoiler. It's not all about plot. Explanation enough?
  8. Photo


    09 Nov 2011 - 04:27
    I worked in a bookstore for a summer in college and came across this plain white galley of MoI. Read it, cuz it was a big honkin' book. Loved it, went GotM and then DG in that order.
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