Malazan Empire: Shinrei - Viewing Profile - Malazan Empire

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Reputation: 1192 Has Done Shameful Things for Rep
Malaz Regular
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5,500 (0.7 per day)
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MAFIA (1750 posts)
20-February 03
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User is offline Dec 14 2021 04:52 AM

My Information

Member Title:
charin charin
Age Unknown
Birthday Unknown

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  1. Photo

    Anomander Rake 

    01 Jun 2012 - 22:33
    I've just recognized who that is in your Avatar. It's the teacher from Gokusen. Just finished watching that last week.
  2. Photo

    Raymond Luxury Yacht 

    24 Jul 2010 - 22:44
    Do you know why my 20 questions didn't make it into the subforum?
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    12 Jun 2010 - 02:36
    I know where you live!
  4. Photo

    Raymond Luxury Yacht 

    04 Jun 2010 - 10:03
    So, when do you do the 20 questions?
  5. Photo


    03 Jun 2010 - 12:25
    what are is I right abouts?
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    02 Jun 2010 - 11:36
    You know what's she's right. If you can tell me the subtle pattern on them, I'll be even more freaked out...
  7. Photo

    Adjutant Stormy~ 

    29 May 2010 - 11:59
    RE: Jusen's post: You know they do, and you know that's EXACTLY the reason.
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    15 May 2010 - 17:43
    *gets the tigers*
    I wub wub you you. I was just bored and lonely. Its not creepy stalkerism. Really. Its not like I know you're wearing black silk boxers this morning, which you put on because your wifewife thought they make you look all sexy. :D
  9. Photo


    15 May 2010 - 11:47
    I wub wub you jusen. You know, azian fetish and all that...
  10. Photo


    15 Apr 2010 - 22:43
    I'm not responding to you anymore if you can't be fucked to find the time to go on msn.
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    15 Apr 2010 - 00:32
    Wut? I don't know what you are talking about. I was born in 1992 in New York City, with appearance identical to a stunningly beautiful 18 year old woman.
  12. Photo


    14 Apr 2010 - 23:58
    Blahblahblahblahblah redneck.
  13. Photo


    13 Apr 2010 - 16:59
    I'm glad you liked the RJ quote. I'm sometimes surprised by how often I have something relevant to post from his blog/interviews.
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    27 Mar 2010 - 06:28
    I'm sad you don't want to post your views anymore, Shinny. I agreed with your view that the newest HC Bill should have had cost cuts as its foundation. However, the administration traded that away to get endorsements. I'm still on your side that costs have to go massively down.
    How to do that? There, we will obviously disagree, and on the impact as well as we see diff...
  15. Photo


    03 Feb 2010 - 20:39
    Just have to say, awesome new avatar.
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