Malazan Empire: Karsa Orlong - Viewing Profile - Malazan Empire

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09-January 03
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User is offline Mar 11 2024 09:55 AM

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  1. In Topic: What kind of stories would you like to see/read/play/experience in the world of MBotF?

    25 January 2024 - 07:54 PM

    Thanks all for the input.

    I guess i am pretty open on what kind of level the play will be. I like both, more intimate stories and epic and grand-scale stuff. I guess with Malazan I'd do the "start small, build up and go nuts" kind of thing. Of course depending on what the characters do (and/or what the players want to do).

    I really like the idea that you provided, Abyss. So thanks for that. It's a good hook!

    Starting point is a good question. I like Malaz City and the continent of Quon Tali. Although it's not as if the other locations around the Malaz world are less interesting. I have trouble to just pick one thing ^^
  2. In Topic: READING ORDER discussion for SUN SWORD and HOUSE WAR

    20 January 2024 - 04:00 PM

    Uh of my favorite topics ^^

    And i disagree with pat. The screwed up timeline can not be the reason why she is not more popular. Her first two series (Sacred Hunt and Sunsword) have come loooong before she continued with House War. And she was even relatively unknown back then.
    I guess it is a similar reason as with Erikson. There are probably a lot of readers who can't or don't want to follow such an intricate plot and story. Which is a shame, of course. Sure, it doesn't help that the series is going on for like forever in real-life. But hey, that's how it works out sometimes.

    And I think there IS a "right order" to read any and all bookseries: publishing order. Why? Because apparently, that's how the author (who should know best, right?!) intended. Case closed :D ;)

    As for my reasoning (the more serious one, although i am not truly joking with my statement above) : House War has sooo much more impact and details if you already know Sunsword. If your first three books are HW, there is no context and nuance to the story. And it makes for a poorer overall read, imo.

    Very glad to see that there is such a subforum for her here on Malazan. West's Essalieyan cycle is one of my favorite series of all time. West, Erikson/Esslemont are my top tier authors in fantasy.



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    05 May 2019 - 13:07
    Wow, I only just noticed you've been a member longer than all except the very oldest! But you've kept under the radar - nice.
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