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- Emperor
- Age:
- 37 years old
- Birthday:
- July 7, 1987
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- 40k, Star Wars, Babylon 5, WW2, A Song of Ice and Fire, the Drenai series, the Riftwar and all that followed it, D&D, Vikings, the Malazan Book of the Fallen. I think you get the gist of it.
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In Topic: What's messing with your groove?
22 January 2025 - 12:56 PM
Huh it's blocked for me. -
In Topic: The Russia Politics and War in Ukraine Thread
20 January 2025 - 10:14 PM
You'd think that but people are blind. Even when I point out there is no negotiating with someone who goes "we just want this land because we have some people here". Like, it hasn't been a century since the Austrian did that, how is this not obvious? People just go "Why should I die in someone else's war?". They refuse to think at least 5 minutes into the future. And on some level they are scared. Which is understandable but not an excuse to be a dumbass.
The grifters lie and say if so and so becomes president then he'll send us to fight and die in Ukraine. Aha sure, that's how NATO works. Leaving aside if it comes to that then the rest of NATO will also be moving and the shit will have hit the fan so hard that staying out isn't an option anyway. -
In Topic: The Russia Politics and War in Ukraine Thread
19 January 2025 - 01:11 PM
It's not helped by news channels saying sstuff like 3 millin dollar aid package and that gives people the impression that 3 million dollars are just given over to Ukraine as opossed to ammo and and stuff worth that ammount. Plus I'm pretty sure most countries are giving them their older stuff which they now replace by buying newer stuff. The fact that the various grifters aren't being shut down and countered by actual information isn't helping. The Russians have succeeded in spreading and helping grifters spread enough lies that people don't believe anything, especially from official sources. -
In Topic: The Russia Politics and War in Ukraine Thread
17 January 2025 - 08:52 PM
Well Putin thinks Western countries are weak sissy girls who will bow before if he kills some of them and makes it clear he will kill more of them if they don't do as he says. Add the fact that I'm seeing more countrymen saying how Ukraine isn't our problem and why should we get involved, despite it being right next door to us. Despite Moldova being next to us and they have issues with Russia etc. I've heard plenty of dumb idiots going on about how Putin is a real man (because of course that crowd would drink russian kool-aid). -
In Topic: The USA Politics Thread
15 January 2025 - 01:16 PM
So Trump wants an External Revenue Service to tax .... These are going to be 4 long years aren't they? And I'm not even American.
07 Jul 2024 - 08:30Tsundoku
07 Jul 2023 - 07:10Tsundoku
07 Jul 2022 - 07:38Tsundoku
07 Jul 2021 - 06:47Garak
18 Apr 2010 - 18:02Cause
18 Apr 2010 - 15:18