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In Topic: The Russia Politics and War in Ukraine Thread
01 March 2025 - 11:02 PM
If the Russians claim they will have a robot army .... you can ignore them. They've been bragging about having almost power armor for every soldier a few years ago. And that the T-14 Armata will sweep everything before it yadda yadda. If the Russian state is breathing, they are lying. -
In Topic: The USA Politics Thread
25 February 2025 - 01:20 PM
How did that quote about the triumph of evil go? Because that's literally going on on the US right now. -
In Topic: The Russia Politics and War in Ukraine Thread
23 February 2025 - 06:21 PM
Heck there are Eastern Europeans who don't want to give Ukraine aid because they see it as "someone else's war" and they don't want to go fight it. I keep pointing out to them that the it hasn't been a century yet from the last nutjob who said "I want this land because it was ours at one point and this one because we have people here and then I'll stop, promise." And we all know how that ended.
In the last few months we've had a Neo-Legionary (basically our Neo-Nazis) movement spring up out of the shadows and a presidential candidate talk about how the founder of said movement and the guy who sided our country with Hitler were patriots and martyrs. I mean what the ever living hell. And yes promoting said movement is illegal here. And yet. -
In Topic: The Russia Politics and War in Ukraine Thread
13 February 2025 - 09:35 PM
In Topic: The Russia Politics and War in Ukraine Thread
13 February 2025 - 07:35 PM
Our far right and one of the presidential candidates have taken up the Russian talking point of dividing Ukraine. Our particular asshats want Bucovina back. Honestly I hate this entire "we should get that bit back because it belonged to us at some point in the past" thing. My response to this is usually to go "Ok then, in that case let's ask Mongolia to reign in their Russian vassals."
07 Jul 2024 - 08:30Tsundoku
07 Jul 2023 - 07:10Tsundoku
07 Jul 2022 - 07:38Tsundoku
07 Jul 2021 - 06:47Garak
18 Apr 2010 - 18:02Cause
18 Apr 2010 - 15:18