BBS: Before Burn's Sleep
BS: Burn's Sleep
??? BBS: Prologue I of Midnight Tides/Prologue I of Reaper's Gale*
298,665 BBS: Prologue I of Memories of Ice
119,736 BBS: Prologue II of Memories of Ice
1154 BS: Prologue of Gardens of the Moon
1154 BS: Night of Knives
1154 BS?: Blood Follows**
1154 BS?: The Lees of Laughters End
1158 BS: The Healthy Dead
1159 BS: Prologue II of Midnight Tides
1161 BS: Chapter 1 of Gardens of the Moon
1161-62 BS: Midnight Tides
1162-63 BS?: Prologue and Book I of House of Chains***
1163 BS: Gardens of the Moon
1163-64 BS: Deadhouse Gates/Memories of Ice (occur simultaneously)
1164 BS: Books II-IV of House of Chains
1164 BS?: Prologue II of Reaper's Gale
1164-65 BS?: The Bonehunter
1164-66 BS?: Return of the Crimson Guard (may overlap with both TBH & RG)
1165-66 BS?: Reaper's Gale
1165-66 BS?: Toll the Hounds
post-1166 BS: Dust of Dreams
post-1166 BS: The Crippled God
* I'm assuming the war between the K'Chain Che'Malle and the Tiste predates the Tellann Ritual in the opening prologue of MoI, as the Imass don't seem to know anything about the KCCM, indicating that their time is long before then.
** IIRC, Emancipor Reese says in MoI that he's been with Broach and Bauchelain for ten years, and Lees takes place shortly after Blood Follows.
*** This includes both Trull being stuck on the wall and the whole Karsa storyline and yes I know this is reopening an old can of worms.