This thread seems to have, once again, turned into a Creationism vs. Darvinism/the big bang contest. Keeping in mind that the OP was asking to our beliefs and, besides what the West has been indoctrinated to believe in, there's plenty of other gods and belief systems out there.
There's one thing that always makes me smile about the "God is awesome, all powerfull and the creator" and that is the first of The Ten Commandments (probably because I've never been able to read more than a few pages in a Bibble before throwing it away and switching on the TV instead).
The very first Commandment says and I quote:
"you shall have no other gods before me."
The next one is
"Do not make an image or any likeness of what is in the heavens above..."
Now these statements can be refashioned and come with different interpretations, but they've always amused me. They're basically saying, yes. there is other gods, but don't worship them or I'm gonna become pissed.
So why even believe that God is the true creator? Why not just think of the big guy as a pretty succesfull salesman with a healthy dose of paranoia and weird quirks that's made life a hell of lot worse at times but ultimately served as a nice basis to build a societies values on.
If I was a farmer in Scandinavia I'd probably have more faith that a specialist like Freya and Gefjun of the Norse Gods, was going to help me get a good crop than a big guy in robes that's got an entire world to run.
My point is I voted agnostic, I don't really believe anything concious is in controle of our destiny, but I'd as soon think the world was made from the body of a dead diant as that some guy in a beard did a magic trick and created the world in seven days or that the universe was made from a Big Bang that came out of supposedly nothing.