QuickTidal, on 27 February 2018 - 05:25 PM, said:
Abyss. DESCENDER. You will NOT be sorry. It's poignant, emotional, and stunningly written and drawn
As for me, one of the most recent Comixology sales was on Aspen stuff, and I decided to grab the most recent two volumes of ALL-NEW FATHOM by various authors. It was only $13 for 16 issues of stuff.
And I'm interested how something that started life as a Top Cow Cheesecake/Beefcake comic, took on a much better life after Turner took it to his own (Aspen) imprint (before his untimely death).
Noted, tnx. That said, of the three it's the one i've never read... some part of me really wants to complete the other two which were paused partway thru ages ago.... FABLES a year or two when i hit the end of the Adversary story and wanted to read the complete series when it was done, as it now is (plus i have all the spinoff stuff... FAIREST, WOLF AMONG US, Secret Agent CINDERELLA, and EVER AFTER so its a pretty big read), and DREADSTAR, which is old OLD OLDE SCHOOL Starlin from way way back and fairly glorious.
FATHOM... that actually evolved beyond its origin? .... because wow that was some awful comic on multiple levels way back.