Abyss, on 15 May 2020 - 06:08 AM, said:
He's posted some journal updates, more or less 'it's my fault, I hurt her, we need time apart, no we're not divorcing'.
These two have an unnecessarily public relationship and that's not healthy. I am very loath to speculate on mental illness diagnoses, yet I'm also aware of the phenomenon of "splitting" that often occurs with people who have BPD and similar conditions.
The blog post by Gaiman makes me feel like I am reading the words of an overwhelmed person frantically trying to save their life from imploding and having to manage public expectations at the same time. I can't know the details that supply the context and frankly I don't want to know - Amanda has boundary issues as evidenced by her whole public career. All I have is this description in this forum and that blog post, but both are making me feel like Neil is being emotionally abused here and it's bad enough that he has to be near his people that he trusts fully in Scotland rather than rent a place in NZ.
I hope that they're able to find a state of being that centers the kid's happiness and each of their own happiness and that we don't get this public involvement in a super complex and private situation.