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Need help finding ANY book?

#41 User is offline   murphy72 

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Posted 11 June 2007 - 04:40 PM

Raymond Luxury Yacht;143215 said:

Every so often someone will start a thread looking for a book, or just rying to remember the title to something they read long ago. i figured, instead ofa new thread popping up every time that happens, why not have one thread where people can try to track down books from the past? (Insert applause here.)

Here's the first one. I don't remember much about this book, as it was years ago that I read it. I could possibly be a young adult fantasy. I don't even remember if it was good or not. All I remember is that there were these women warriors, and if they were in moonlight their shadow would become some sort of a twin warrior woman from another dimension or something. Also, they may have had long braided hair that they strangled people with. Any ideas?

Better late than never I always say. The book is Sister Light, Sister Dark by Jane Yolen, who normally writes children's books.

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Posted 12 June 2007 - 08:39 PM

murphy72;193263 said:

Better late than never I always say. The book is Sister Light, Sister Dark by Jane Yolen, who normally writes children's books.

Wow, I am impressed. You pulled that one out of nowhere. Entirely correct too. IIRC this was not a children's book though, as there was some knocking of boots going on, or at least alluded to. YA maybe. Have you read it? Was it good? I was so young when I read it I don't trust my own judgement.
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Posted 13 June 2007 - 08:13 PM

Raymond Luxury Yacht;193641 said:

Wow, I am impressed. You pulled that one out of nowhere. Entirely correct too. IIRC this was not a children's book though, as there was some knocking of boots going on, or at least alluded to. YA maybe. Have you read it? Was it good? I was so young when I read it I don't trust my own judgement.

I did read it, but a very long time ago. Seems to me I liked it, but not enough to do a reread. She did do some followup books on this, but I only read one. Yolen has a very dark outlook.

I too did not consider this a children's book, but looked on it as an adult novel.

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Posted 14 June 2007 - 03:08 PM

I'm looking for a copy of 'Deathstalker Honour' but it's out of print right now -_- The best I've been able to find is £25 for a beaten up old library copy from America... (I don't think so somehow...)
Oh well... *keeps looking*

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Posted 14 June 2007 - 03:29 PM

Deornoth;194267 said:

I'm looking for a copy of 'Deathstalker Honour' but it's out of print right now -_- The best I've been able to find is £25 for a beaten up old library copy from America... (I don't think so somehow...)
Oh well... *keeps looking*

You could try:
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Posted 15 June 2007 - 07:24 PM

astra_lestat;194276 said:

Hadn't thought of that... (whoops!) Cheers Astra Lestat! -_-

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Posted 26 August 2007 - 03:03 AM

Xanth i think i may have read this one. I can't remember the name but i remember on the front cover there was a picture of a sword presumably Excalibur. I'm pretty sure i have it somewhere in my collection...have a look later....

[Here's the first one. I don't remember much about this book, as it was years ago that I read it. I could possibly be a young adult fantasy. I don't even remember if it was good or not. All I remember is that there were these women warriors, and if they were in moonlight their shadow would become some sort of a twin warrior woman from another dimension or something. Also, they may have had long braided hair that they strangled people with. Any ideas?]

Yes i know this one! The author is Jane Yolen and the book is Sister Light, Sister Dark..

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Posted 05 September 2007 - 07:35 PM

cool, let me know if you Find it Samar Dev...
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Posted 10 September 2007 - 10:31 AM

Xanth-Had a look it's the forever king by Molly Cochran and Warren Murphy

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Posted 29 October 2007 - 05:09 AM


Ok, I've got one that's been bugging me for years. It's a trilogy set on some fantasy world which is fairly dark as things go and there's some kind of "Inquisition" type group who I think hunt down people who use magic, and one of them, possibly their leader, is a guy who has a sort of blade thing (possibly like pincers and he may have appeared on the cover of one of the books).

I think he turns out to become a good guy at the end, and in the third book they travel westwards over seas to an unknown land where there's only a single inlet which allows them to land and then a vast forest at the centre of which is a ginormous tree miles high. To the west are vast, vast cliffs with the evil monster thingies living at the top, and the only way the heroes get to the top is by following one the giant tree's roots where it's worked its way into the cliff despite some kind of corrupting influence there.

The inquisitor guy might've been called Simon something? I would've read it in the library about 12 years ago roughly.

SpiralX's book hunt was for was the Omaran Saga by Adrian Cole.

A Place Among the Fallen.
Throne of Fools
King of Light and Shadows
The Gods in Anger.

Awesome series, took me 8 years to track them all down in second hand shops. :)

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Posted 05 November 2007 - 04:00 AM

OK... I remember reading something like this, but cannot place it for the life of me.

Basically a recluse/ hermit type of man who lives on a river... fishing and so on... the river has alligators in it or something. He is part of an elite circle of wise men/ was the student/ special contact of a wise man. He gets a fever and receives portents of something very important... when he goes to the village his tribe is missing.

I know this was a SFF novel... but cannot remember which one it was. Can someone help me identify it? I know the post is a bit deranged :D but this is bugging me the way something stubborn stuck in my teeth would

EDIT: moved to the correct place
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Posted 05 November 2007 - 06:20 AM

Sorry, doesn't ring any bells.

The River reference made me think of Paul J. McAuley's Confluence series but i don't think it's that?

Can you remember any more details? Like why you think it was a sci-fi novel since that description makes it seem more like fantasy?

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#53 User is offline   Dag 

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Posted 05 November 2007 - 06:39 AM

sky_walker;220174 said:

OK... I remember reading something like this, but cannot place it for the life of me.

I know this was a SFF novel... but cannot remember which one it was. Can someone help me identify it? I know the post is a bit deranged :D but this is bugging me the way something stubborn stuck in my teeth would

OK, I might be compleeeeetely wrong here, but this sounds to me like the Tiamak storyline from Williams' "Memory, Sorrow and Thorn".


Basically a recluse/ hermit type of man who lives on a river... fishing and so on...

Tiamak is a Wrannaman, living in the marshes of Wran, alone, doing not much more than fishing and catching river crabs when we meet him in the books.


He is part of an elite circle of wise men/ was the student/ special contact of a wise man.

He's actually a member of the secret League of the Scroll that has sworn to protect old knowledge and fight against the eeeevil undead Sithi-Lord. He was a student of Doctor Morgenes, the leader of the League, and is in contact with him and other few members through specially trained messenger birds.


the river has alligators in it or something. He gets a fever and receives portents of something very important...

One day, he gets bitten by a crocodile and gets a fever afterwards. He's struggling to stay alive, because he is in possession of one page of the Nisse's "Weird of the Swords", a manuscript that might save the world and which he has to deliver to Doctor Morgenes.


when he goes to the village his tribe is missing.

After going through some adventures or whatever, he heals and gets back to his village, only to discover that everyone was kidnapped by insectlike ghants (IMO Williams' most original creature-creation in the books) who want to use them for their eeeevil purposes.

So, either it is this story, or someone has been shamelessly copying from someone else... :D

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Posted 05 November 2007 - 08:56 AM

@Dag - Yep thats what i had in mind, well m'embered :-)
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#55 User is offline   Skywalker 

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Posted 05 November 2007 - 04:04 PM

Yeah, it was Tiamak the Wrannaman I had in mind :D

Thanks Dag... rep coming your way!
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Posted 06 November 2007 - 03:02 AM

Something I randomly remembered today.. it was a book I read a while back (at last 6 years ago, and it was translatd, so no idea, what the title was)

the premise of the story is semi-based on Celtic mythology (remember them mentioning the Beltaine (sp?) festivities.
The plot revolves around a young boy, maimed by accident that cost him his arm, and his struggle to become a warrior of his tribe. his main trial is to kill a wolf, and he has a dog called Whiteneck.

I'm not sure if it's fantasy or more of pseudohistorical fiction type stuff, but it got into my head today all of a sudden, and if anyone could tell me what the title is, that would be great
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View PostJump Around, on 23 October 2011 - 11:04 AM, said:

And I want to state that Ment has out-weaseled me by far in this game.

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Posted 20 December 2007 - 08:13 AM

Ok I got a series i cannot remember and its bugging the hell out of me.
It was the summer of 97 (no its not a song!) and another geo brought out a paperback trilogy to a mapping camp, which we all past around as I recall it wasn't too bad.
Basically, the bad guy and his people are stuck in a maze/other dimension with no way out as punishment. Kinda like Satan et al.
Anyhoo, he finds a way to send one of his minions out to find a way for him to escape and gain revenge on his enemies. Magic is of course involved, with the bad guys using tattoos to build patterns, the good guys dance if I remember. Bit too Lord of the Dance, but there you go.
The minion hooks up with one of the good guys and they become allies, there was also something about dwarves and dragons and some incredibly old magician who kept referring to 20th century pop culture, a la the millenium falcon
Anyone got any ideas?

#58 User is offline   Raymond Luxury Yacht 

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Posted 20 December 2007 - 08:43 AM

I think that might be called the Death Gate Cycle, by Margaret Weis and Tracy Hickman. It wasn't bad I think, though I was a teenager at that time.
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#59 User is offline   TOGGS 

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Posted 20 December 2007 - 08:59 AM

Cheers Man,

Just did a wikipedia search on that, its the one all right. How the hell did you remember that, it was over 10 years ago when I read the bloody thing?

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Posted 20 December 2007 - 12:52 PM

Damn, Ray... you beat me to it.
Def. Death Gate Cycle, theses were the books that brought me into fantasy....

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View PostJump Around, on 23 October 2011 - 11:04 AM, said:

And I want to state that Ment has out-weaseled me by far in this game.

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