Abyss, on 14 October 2022 - 06:22 PM, said:
Abyss, on 06 October 2022 - 02:04 PM, said:
... back to Lyons' CHORUS OF DRAGONS, bk 3 THE MEMORY OF SOULS. Not quite an hour in and while it's great to be back w these characters and pick up the story again, i'm somewhat echoing Azath's upthread view as this is my least favorite narrator in the series so far. His women's voices sound like a man trying to sound like a woman and my brain keeps jumping to LITTLE BRITAIN's 'i'm a lady!' skits.
Halfway'ish through... credit where due... for a middle book in a series of five, the author is revealing a TONNE and i'm very curious to see where she goes next.
Also very liking her version of ascension and godhood, there are elements that a Malazfan might find familiar but with an almost endearing subversion.
One narrator still has issues w his women's voices, and distinguishing male voices. In a book where a key narrative device is a narrator chiming into the story w occasional
comments, it's annoying at times having to guess who is speaking. Not a huge problem, but it wasn't an issue w books 1 and 2. Other narrator is all good.
Just finished. Hell of a finale. For a book that was not low in action scenes, the author amped things up nicely at the end and made the risk to the cast very very believable without being gratuitous. It's to her credit that in a series where multiple times, dead does not mean dead dead, it's also totally believable that if they die, they may stay that way.
Now starting book 4 THE HOUSE OF ALWAYS, and considering the scope of the finale of 3, that is one wild opening. Not just dropping the reader into the middle of the action, but also in the aftermath of important events that have happened 'off screen'. Ambitious, and she pulls it off nicely.... no info dump, but what happens explains (most of) what happened even as the story moved forward.