Andorion, on 06 August 2018 - 12:40 AM, said:
amphibian, on 05 August 2018 - 07:40 PM, said:
Andorion, on 05 August 2018 - 02:54 PM, said:
Gabriele, on 05 August 2018 - 02:03 PM, said:
Andorion, on 05 August 2018 - 11:47 AM, said:
Also I read Naamah's Curse by Jacqueline Carey - decidedly below average. I have no idea why Carey gets so much praise - I have read three books by her now and they are decidedly mediocre.
The Naamah trilogy is mediocre. Her Kushiel books are much better, esp. the first trilogy. I couldn't warm up to her latest, either.
You mean Starless? That book was so strange - a trilogy squished into a book and the last half felt so random
Andorion - you read a lot of people here telling you that you were missing a bunch of meaning and context by not reading the Kushiel books first before getting into the sequels and then went ahead, doing the same thing.
That's because I read the first book and thought I might as well finish the series. But I doubt how much this has to do with not knowing context. Some things are just bad writing.
For example - passive character, who was pretty active and interesting in the last book just became passive - almost classic Damsel in Distress except the character was male.
Secondly all the events and plot were pushed forward by some kind of "destiny" of the main protagonist which apparently gave her urges. This felt like reading the actions of puppets.
There were also other things - like a very insipid excuse for rape, an entire section of the book which was pretty pointless in the context of the book - I hope it matters in the context of the series, and just a weak story in general.
As for Starless, which I read in June, I don't see how that had anything to do with Kushiel, given that its a standalone, set in an entirely different universe.
Go back and read the Kushiel stuff. I do agree that the Moirin books are weaker, but it makes zero sense to continue to read the series out of order when the latter books are heavily based on what went before.