amphibian, on 08 June 2017 - 12:55 PM, said:
JPK, on 07 June 2017 - 11:00 PM, said:
Speaking of controversial books, I'm a little under halfway through Blood of Elves, and you guys greatly exaggerated the flaws of this work. It's not perfect, but as long as it's read as book 3 and not book 1 characters and events make perfect sense.
The proper reading order really matters for Witcher.
It's not exaggeration when BLOOD just flat out doesn't work as bk2 yet was marketed and sold as bk 2, in Canada at least.
If to remedy that i would have to read bk 3, then go back and reread bk 2... can't say i'm tempted when i have so much else to read for the first time.
JPK, on 07 June 2017 - 11:00 PM, said:
Republic of Thieves was FAR from the worst book I've ever read. No, it didn't live up to the heights set by tLoLL or even the loeer bar of RSURS, but it folded in more of the backstory and set the stage for book 4 rather nicely. I'll admit that I know I'm in the minority for this one, but can't we agree that the series is still holding itself better than the Demon Cycle at least?
End of Disc One, on 07 June 2017 - 11:31 PM, said:
Yeah I'd put Gentleman Bastard way ahead of the Demon Cycle
Agreed in the sense that bk1 of Bastards is far far better than bk 1 of Demon and to the extent that both series sort of fall apart after than, Lynch is a better author/read.
amphibian, on 08 June 2017 - 12:55 PM, said:
The Lynch critiques are often coming from those who got really excited about the first book and got crushed by the second book having major flaws enough to crap all over the third not being some kind of cure all.
Would argue bk 3 was crapped all over because it was a bad book, not because it didn't fix the flaws in bk 2. I found bk 2 was weak, disappointing certainly, but not so bad that i wasn't willing to give bk 3 a chance.
Itwæs Nom, on 08 June 2017 - 01:25 PM, said:
... I agree that Republic wasn't that bad, although mostly thanks to the theatre storyline which I enjoyed much more than the main one.
Hated it. Predictable, boring, the characters acting like idiots for the most part with no redeeming elements, and as flashbacks go it added little or nothing we didn't already know.
QuickTidal, on 08 June 2017 - 01:31 PM, said:
I'd read the first 80-100 pages of Book 2...and if it doesn't impress you...give up. Book 3 will not help any of the problems from Book 2, and instead creates a whole new slew of its own problems. Lynch should have course corrected in Book 3 from Book 2 (after middling-to-dismal reviews of RSURS), and instead doubled down on going in a new direction entirely, which also failed miserably. Book 2 made me question my love of the series, Book 3 made my drop it entirely...and unless book 4 gets RAVE (Like this is the best damned book in years!) reviews...I refuse to continue the series.