Azath Vitr (D, on 28 April 2023 - 12:54 AM, said:
Just thinking about Ted Lasso giving me nightmares gave me nightmares (here's hoping thinking about thinking about Ted Lasso giving me nightmares doesn't give me nightmares (the gift that keeps on living (death)...)). Kept waking up from them again for the first time in a long time last night, and ended up sleeping much later than usual, throwing me off for much of the day. Damn you Ted Lasso!
Whisperzzzzzzz, on 27 April 2023 - 02:31 AM, said:
What sort of nightmares did Ted Lasso give you?
Awkward social situations involving people who expect me to act like Ted Lasso and never criticize their ideas while they're saying and believing terribly incorrect things. I wake up (that's what makes it a nightmare, technically) with my brain whirring in overdrive, feeling like an overheated computer trying on multiple cores to 'solve' the social situation, and it usually takes me a while to remind myself that it is not an actual situation at all, but just a simulation of a possible one.
There's a traditional expectation among many people in the United States that you should act like Ted Lasso and, as How to Win Friends and Influence People (a very 'American' book) puts it, 'never criticize' and do not correct.
Ted Lasso is not a light against the darkness. Ted Lasso is the darkness.
And part of the voracious darkness that eats the brains of 'Americans', leaving room for the black holes of conspiracy theories like QAnon to metastasize (alongside the original sin that that darkness most likely evolved to in order to obscure, religion...).
If you're watching TED LASSO and think that the message is "never criticize"....then man you're taking the wrong messages/lessons from the show, holy shit.
The fact that you think TED LASSO is darkness...scares me. Americans are really really deep in their own culture aren't they? Like it's so bleak in your country that lightness and kindness is seen as a weakness or a darkness.
Like if you watched the news pressers with Ted and the papers in the first season and missed him correcting all the wrong info in his own way, I'm not sure what to say.
When something is deeply wrong and incorrect, it gets corrected. This seasons' arc with Trent Crimm is exactly that in fact.
And Ted himself is literally riddled with what Ted and crew do is not criticize the UNCHANGEABLE. The things that CAN change DO change (like Jaime going from egotistical prick in S1 to a cheerleader of all his friends in S3) as a result of Ted and the team. Feel free to criticize that which can be changed, the show does this, but be kind about that which cannot.
Azath Vitr (D, on 28 April 2023 - 12:54 AM, said:
And part of the voracious darkness that eats the brains of 'Americans', leaving room for the black holes of [/size]conspiracy theories like [size="2"]QAnon to metastasize (alongside the original sin that that darkness most likely evolved to in order to obscure, religion...).
I can't really believe you've conflated TED LASSO with Q anon conspiracies. Again, a DEEPLY American worldview. Let's be clear, the Q anon thing is worldwide and it's a cult....we've seen many cults in human history....these cults have not sprung up because Americans watch something like TED LASSO...they spring up because humans are fallible, and frequently gullible, and once you're in it's VERY hard to get out. Deprogramming is a real thing for a reason. This particular cult sprung up in the face of people who COULD not accept that an opposing "team" was in political office and wanted a "fight" and some asshole at 4-Chan trolling...gave them one to fight. They didn't come to this because of some supposed American trait of never criticizing...
That's like saying Columbine is the result of videos games and Marylin's simply not and it's silly to suggest it.
I don't care that you don't like TED LASSO....but the idea that it IS darkness is anathema to the intent of the show.
"When the last tree has fallen, and the rivers are poisoned, you cannot eat money, oh no." ~Aurora
"Someone will always try to sell you despair, just so they don't feel alone." ~Ursula Vernon