Secondary: None
Tactical Action: -1TCT Activate Ixth
D'rek plays the following PN:
Victory Points: 3
Strategy Card:
Command Pools: 2T | 1(+1)(+1)(+1)F | 0S
Goods: 0/3 C | 0TG
Relic Fragments: 1C | 0H | 0I | 0U
Action Cards: 0
Promissory Notes: 2 Mahact
Secret Objectives: 1 fulfilled | 0 unfulfilled
+ Joel Ir (2/3)
+ Abaddom (1/0)
+ Ashtroth (2/0)
+ Vega Major (2/1)
+ Vega Minor (1/2) blue
+ Predictive Intelligence -- At the end of your turn, you may exhaust this card to redistribute your command tokens. When you cast votes during the agenda phase, you may cast 3 additional votes; if you do, and the outcome you voted for is not resolved, exhaust this card.
+ Crimson Legionnaire II
+ Warsun
+ Il Na Viroset (COMMANDER) -- During your tactical actions, you can activate systems that can contain your command tokens. If you do, return both command tokens to your reinforcements and end your turn.
+ Airo Shir Aur (HERO) -- {LOCKED: Have 3 Scored Objectives}
+ That Which Molds Flesh (COMMANDER) -- When you produce fighter or infantry units: Up to 2 of those units do not count against your PRODUCTION limit.
+ Rear Admiral Farran (COMMANDER) -- After 1 of your units uses SUSTAIN DAMAGE: You may gain 1 Trade Good.
+ Gila the Silvertongue (COMMANDER) -- When you cast votes: You may spend any number of trade goods; cast 2 additional votes for each trade good spent.
+ Score Secret: Form a Spy Network
+ Vuil'Raith SFTT
This post has been edited by Galactic Council: 28 May 2021 - 08:51 PM