Tattersail_, on 22 January 2021 - 11:07 PM, said:
Oof, that's a good puzzle.
Ok, so Flagship is "After you activate a system that contains 1 or more of your PDS..."
while AWAKEN is "After you activate a system that contains 1 or more of your sleeper tokens..."
Same timing window ("after you activate a system...") but they both have different extra conditions required, too.
{A} Right now, you have both a PDS and a sleeper token in Cealdri/Xanhact. So, if you activate it now, both conditions are met and you resolve both abilities in the same timing window. When you resolve multiple abilities in the same timing window, you can choose what order to resolve them in. So you could first resolve AWAKEN by replacing the sleeper token on Xanhact with a PDS, at which point you have 5 structures on the board so your commander unlocks, and then resolve the flagship's DEPLOY ability by removing the Cealdri PDS and putting the flagship in the system.
{B} If you didn't already have a PDS on Cealdri, though, the flagship's condition would not be met (you did not "activate a system that contains 1 or more of your PDS"), even if you added a PDS using AWAKEN immediately thereafter.
{C} For that same reasoning, when you do {A} you cannot replace the Xanhact PDS with the flagship, it has to be the Cealdri one, even if you do the flagship ability after AWAKEN, since the flagship ability refers to "those" PDS - the ones in the condition.