Imperial Historian, on 30 October 2019 - 12:52 AM, said:
Twelve now riders and such have been played, if you want me to throw my votes onto another planet we could reach a deal if you agree not to build, move or place any additional infantry on rex (if the number of infantry you have is reduced you can replace them), and you give me your stymie card. I promise not to use or trade it unless you build more infantry on rex or attack me. You also give me a share of any tg you gain from losing infantry on presumably nestphar?
You keep rex, i keep good relations with my neighbour and we both gain tg. I'm pretty sure you'd keep your word regardless but me holding stymie should reassure everyone.
Would this be of interest?
This is unexpected. I am definitely interested in working out a deal. My stymie card would only be given out if none of my planets are selected. I think is possible to word a deal to make it binding. I have zero interest in losing any of my infantry. This though sounds like it might be a sticking point as you want trade goods from me losing infantry. I also want a higher ceiling on allowable infantry on Rex. 4 is too few and 8 is probably too high. 6 sounds about right. My racial out in the wind is a huge risk to my game so I'm not much interested in sweetening the pot much beyond that.
I'm not interested In fighting you on territory. We've worked out planet borrowing in the past. There is a hazardous planet I would like to borrow next round as well but we can work that out later once we finish our current negotiations.
I don't know what I'm doing but it sounds good.