Blend, on 03 April 2019 - 09:16 PM, said:
D, on 03 April 2019 - 08:50 PM, said:
Blend, on 03 April 2019 - 08:11 PM, said:
So what, I'm supposed to just sit here and let you guys play because I have next to nothing left in the game? I'm supposed to just stay in my corner and stop playing the game I'm still a part of? I'd say maybe yall should have a look at yourselves before you start talking about how it would be an asshole move for me to use my resources and TGs however I deem fit.
You misplayed and your game got fucked. It happens. Then there was a missed error that made it worse. That happens, too.
Tatts also misplayed and his game got fucked, but you don't see him trying to feed the leading player just for the sake of ending the game sooner. Realistically, Nom, Twelve, and I don't have a shot at winning this anymore, either, so should we just give all our TG and PNs to IH, too? Should I just vacate all my planets and let him invade for the sake of finishing sooner?
If you really want out, that's fine, just tell Khell and we'll treat Silvano as being a neutral planet and Muaat as eliminated.
So because you guys are not choosing to play kingmaker means that I should just sit quietly in my corner?
The moment Gnaw took Muaat I stated very clearly on thread that playing kingmaker is what I would be doing for the rest of the game, particularly if it stops Gnaw from winning.
I literally can do almost nothing more this game for myself, why shouldn't I use what power I have to sway the win besides the fact that it means that a few people who might win if I don't get involved don't get to win?
I have no issues with this. It's how my brothers and I play all the time so is expected.