Imperial Historian, on 29 January 2019 - 06:26 PM, said:
D'rek any thoughts on our position? You seem to have a very rich slice of the galaxy. the jol nar and mentak had bad blood in previous games, that doesn't need to happen in this one if they are appropriately funded, it's a dangerous galaxy out there, the mentak offer protection

I'm not so sure I agree re: rich slice of the galaxy. The 3 closest and least contested planetary systems to my HW would give me 10 total res/inf in a given round if used for their highest values out of res vs inf.
That's pretty much the same as Nom, Twelve, or Macgnaw, and notably less than Morgoth's or Tapper's equivalent systems. Morgoth especially scares me since Macgnaw are saying they won't contest his path to the center, and each of those three double-planet hexes between him and MR are a 5 r+i system, plus they together make a very even resource/influence balance. Adding the 6 resources from his HW, we're looking at a Barony with 14 resources and 9 influence every round... terrifying.
And that's why I feel you *do* need to pillage the shit out of him. Yes, he only has a commodity cap of 2. But Morgoth won't need to spend his TGs on ships or CTs, nor does he need to use his Munitions Reserve ability frequently. He just needs to stockpile 6+ trade goods, at which point all his battles become guaranteed wins so long as he picks them relatively carefully. Most battles he won't need to actually spend a TG, but he can go into a 70%-odds-of-victory battle completely confident that he can spend the TGs if he needs to to assure his win. If he only has 2 or 3 TG piled up, he can't be so confident, and if he takes the lead in VP it's not insurmountable for us to stop him.
Anyways, yeah, I've at least got a decent-to-good slice resources-wise and I don't have to care about tech specialties much so that doesn't phase me. Most of all, I like it's general isolationist shape with being far from wormholes + the blank hex + sort-of-chokepoints. Though I'd have preferred a supernova to the gravity rift, of course.
I'm sure we'll end up becoming neighbours at BereLirta--Saudor, so you'll be able to pillage me then. With my commodity cap being 4 I'll probably spend the CT on Trade 2ry most rounds. Last game went 7 rounds to 14 VP, and we probably won't become neighbours until round 2, so that's most likely 5 rounds - 6 if the game is a bit slow and still goes to 7 despite the lower VP limit - where you can pillage me when I cash in commodities for trade goods, and therefore you'd gain 5 trade goods off of me. As an alternative to the pillaging, I'm willing to trade my Research Agreement for your Promise of Protection. I'd value the Research Agreement at 7 TG since performing the Tech secondary costs 1CT+4Res, so it's a higher value for you and you get it all up-front. It's a good deal for me because it assures me you don't give it to Morgoth and makes planning/calculation easier for the whole game.
Alternatively, if the issue you're worried about is being able to trade your own commodities, I'm willing to put in place a policy where I always trade 2 of my commodities to you for your 2 whenever you refresh.