Up to this date, I have read in Malazan Book of the Fallen (Erikson) titles 1 through 8. I see from the suggested-reading-order chart that RotCG would fit somewhere roughly between 7 and 8, but I have already read 8. That's partly because I read 8 radically out of order at a time when it was the only new title from these series which I had in the house. I read 1 through 3, then went straight to 8, before reading 4 through 7. Now I have completed 4 through 7, thus making my tally all of 1 through 8 by Erikson. Make sense? I have read no Esselmont (yet?). I now lack no books, for I own all 10 Erikson titles, and I own RotCG as well. They're sitting here in the house waiting for me.
So, do I continue on my Malazan Book of the Fallen trajectory and go straight through to 9 and 10? Or do I take a hiatus from Erikson to investigate Esselmont with the two titles mentioned in the first graf above? I am not really "feeling it" about taking a break, since I'm really in the Erikson mode, barrelling forward through all the plot developments and getting a sense of specific characters. So I don't really want to leave Erikson for a radically unrelated set of people or events. But if the Esselmont stuff comes across as roughly in-league with the Erikson stuff, and won't be too jarring a difference, then maybe I'll do the Esselmont first?
Your suggestions? Convince me!

Additionally, may I ask, is there a handy plot-synopsis location for the first 8 that I've already read? I'm a bit confused ... LOL ... no, I'm a LOT confused. I've lost so many threads in so many places, I should have taken notes.
Edit to add the following:
Just saw this thread ... https://forum.malaza...-to-read-rotcg/ ... which seems to address some of the same questions. But it's more about content, factual info. The factual info, and whether or not I need to know it, is something I understand. I would like to know about the style and enjoyment and overall FEEL of the Esselmont book(s). Your thoughts?
This post has been edited by cliftonprince: 15 April 2018 - 11:54 PM