Kellanved: I just wanna say I LOVEEEEE KELLANVED! His thirst for knowledge! His curiousity! His way of seeing things in the world that no one else sees. ADMIRAL?!!?!?! Then after he shows it, it just makes SOOO much sense. Of course, in true Kellanved fashion, he has to 'dress' it up a bit. I was DYING when they got into the Deadhouse and the guardian attacked them. Kellanved saying I have a plan and BOLTING for the door! Had me DYING!. Or his knowledge of the shells, not knowing what they are but knowing they have valuable and using that knowledge to then buy the Twisted! I just LOVE his audacity. Yeah, there is a gate, I'm going through it!
Him striking a deal with the HOUNDS?!?!? It makes SOOOOO much sense! The hounds being BORED?!?!? Just SOOOOO GENIUS! Did I go crazy here or did Kellanved use the future imperial warren to hold the Hounds in place? Kellanved learning that Shadow stretched everywhere and using that to his advantage. I LOVE how he chose his name!
Kellanved & Dancer's relationship growth: I LOVE how by the end of the book, Dancer just trusts Kellanved. You see it when Dancer wanted to fight Guran instead of Lee and Kellanved, just holds his arms gently, enough to still Dancer. You also see this trust when Dacner is getting dressed before they go to the hold and just trust Kellanved when he says he doesn't think it will come to a fight for Dancer.
Dassem's stand: OMGGGGGGGGGGGGGG!!! I was in AWE watching this one man hold off column after column of soldiers. In that same moment, the sadness and wastefulness that he feels is occurring. It was just such an AWESOME scene to watch. The same could be said for Dassem and Shear's nightly training. GOD, I was giving a sly and approving nod at the end of their final training session...

. Also, the LOVE and DISREGARD for his own safety when the caravan was being set upon and they moved towards his wagon...My heart was THUMPING that nothing was going to happen
Tayschreen: I will admit, before this book, he was one of my least favorite characters. It was TOUGH to get over Pale and MOI. Anywho, to see him be so dedicated to his craft. His willingness to push aside any risks in the search of knowledge of the warrens. His naive view of the importance of the political system in the D'Rek cult. I found myself sympathizing with him GREATLY. I found it AWESOME how he held off over 100 D'Rek priests and priestness as they attacked him. His PRIDE with not running from the problems that were presented to him! Just LOVEEEEEEEE ITTTT!!!
Surly - Ok, her fight with Geffen...OMGGGGGGGGG!!!! No knife!!! Just barehanded! That was AMAZING to see. It was AMAZING to see her how REAL her love was for them. It was AMAZING to see how much loyalty her fellow Napans had for her. She TOTALLY owns her name Surly!!!! She's just a BEAST! It's kinda crazy how different I felt about her after seeing her in this light!
Miscellaneous: That Cowl and Dancer fight THOUGH!?!?!?!?!? OMGGGGGGGG!!! That was GREAT! I LOVE how ICE has shown the growth in Dancer but also shown the randominess, skill, luck and everything in between when he's fighting Cowl or anyone from Heng.
Did anyone see Shrift coming though?? I TOTALLY thought Cowl had killed Amiss. You got me on that one ICE!!! Dassem being trained by HOOD?!?!?!??!? Did Hood send Dassem to Malaz to setup with Kellanved and Dancer? Also, can someone tell me what D'Rek things Tayschreen is going to do? The same for what K'Rul think Dancer and Kellanved are going to do? Also, did Kellanved SNEAK into the Deadhouse or did it make a 'deal' with them and let them in?
All I can say, this book has made me a MAJOR Kellanved fan. It started in Dancer's Lament, but was on FULL display here. I can already see how Tayschreen and Kellanved are going to be GREAT friends, joined by their curiosity of the world and everything in between it. Those two meeting in Shadow?
Also, I was a bit disappointed that we don't know what transformation that Kellanved received from opening his warren on Otataral Island. I also wish we knew how Kellanved and Dancer went from being eaten by the ground in Shadow to back in Malaz???