QuickTidal, on 07 December 2017 - 03:41 AM, said:
So Bungie has locked out previously available content until you buy the fucking DLC. Shit I could play on Monday, I can't play today.Fuck this. Fuck bungie. I'm going back to HZD.
Briar King, on 07 December 2017 - 03:45 AM, said:
The prestige content (prestige raid, more than likely Trials of the Nine when that comes round). It is not as egregious as people are making out on forums (I've seen people claiming they can only do patrols now, which is just plain wrong). However, it is only a matter of time before Bungie locks most things previously available in vanilla Destiny behind DLC paywalls. This is what happened in Destiny 1 when The Taken King launched and is the reason I stopped playing the first Destiny. The vanilla game no longer allowed you to play fundamental elements which had been available from the start unless you purchased the expansion. That is taking away something you purchased (note: not closing down services - the services still exist, but you are no longer allowed to access them).
Yes, I understand that this is essentially how MMOs work, but Bungie has - and continues to ardently maintain - that Destiny is not an MMO. Yet, it is clearly subject to MMO practices, and thus another indication of the lack of clear communication and respect paid to the community by the business side of Bungie.
I have not yet decided whether to purchase the DLC, but it is already clear that there's no reason to continue playing without doing so. With certain activities being raised in level above that which is accessible to vanilla players, there is even less game to play (and this will only increase every time new content is released - because, as mentioned, the arrival of new content also signals the locking out of some elements of old content each time in Destiny).
In addition, yesterday I had the "pleasure" of being on the wrong side of a Crucible team of Prismatic Lens users. Our team lost with three minutes of the round still to play. If you haven't experienced that yet, then look forward to it (Bungie have said it's a bug that makes the gun so powerful).