Malankazooie, on 22 August 2017 - 08:17 PM, said:
Hey guys, the season finale is titled "
The Dragon and the Wolf". You know what that means, don't you?

worry, on 22 August 2017 - 08:22 PM, said:
It means they have finally settled contract disputes with Ghost.
*watches ep*
Oh godsdammit.
Gorefest, on 23 August 2017 - 12:08 PM, said:
Malankazooie, on 23 August 2017 - 05:44 AM, said:
Uh,so, does Gendry have a legitimate claim to the Iron Throne? He's still alive and now he is out and about from pounding hot metal. Will he be reunited with Melisandre? Will Sansa be reunited with lemon cakes? Will Jon and Arya be reunited and continue their big (bastard) brother and little sister relationship? I dunno. You experts weigh in, please?
Gendry is a bastard, so no. He never was formally recognised, which in Westeros means you have no rights.
As someone mentioned upthread, a father can legit recognize a bastard (Older Bolton did this for Ramsey), and when they made Jon King o da North, he didn't even have that.
Honey Cups, on 28 August 2017 - 03:08 AM, said:
Perfect wasted moment/place to have Clegane Bowl. They are in a fucking arena...
AGreed, but the Hound's smacktalking to Gregor was still pretty awesome.
No Bronn rescue of Sexy Sand. Will probably be dropped altogether. Not enough ep left to fit that in.
Pretty sure the KL dungeon was the last we'll see of anyone named Sand, possibly even anyone from Dorne.
Not sure if that was blue fire or ice? Ice breath on Ice Wall doesn't make much sense but ice is their element. this interests me.
Terez, on 28 August 2017 - 12:05 PM, said:
I don't think it was ice. It's blue fire. It's hot enough to skip the melty process and go straight to vapor, and considering that only a streak at a time is being vaporized, that would cause the wall to crumble. Could be wrong, though.
I'm going with white/blue fire. The wall looked like it was melting and steaming at points.
Terez, on 28 August 2017 - 04:14 AM, said:
Content-wise, I'm happy; everything went as hoped and expected. Delivery was pretty hamhanded all around, though. Just my opinion.
Yes and yes. Agreed.
Terez, on 28 August 2017 - 05:42 AM, said:
... The Littlefinger trap was not written in such a way that makes it believable. Sure, it's believable on its face that Arya and Sansa would plot against him, but the way they went about it was deceptive rather than clever. They took the easy way out; anyone can write A and then make a hard, nonsensical shift to B. Writing B so that people think it's A takes more effort and creativity.
I could go on and on about this episode but there's no point really.
Yeah, for me this was the low point. Super manipulative evil six steps ahead of everyone Littlefinger gets caught utterly by surprise in a room full of enemies. FFS, he flat out states he's the Lord Protectoir of the Vail and he didn't bring a few knights along? Meh.
But at least they tied up a bunch of murder-plots.
Malankazooie, on 28 August 2017 - 08:03 AM, said:
Okay, I'm calling it right now. First episode of next season begins with Arya using that face she just acquired and doing some STABBA! STABBA!
They may save it til a bit further into the season, maybe send Arya to bring the Vale to the party, but yeah, pretty sure we'll see this.
- Coltaine -, on 28 August 2017 - 02:15 PM, said:
Terez, on 28 August 2017 - 01:28 PM, said:
- Coltaine -, on 28 August 2017 - 01:22 PM, said:
Tormund and Beric got saved by their plot armor, right?
I don't think so. They were on the Wall when it fell, and you could see the light of the dragonfire on Tormund's face the last time you saw him. They should have done a better job of making their deaths dramatic, because you're not the only one who thinks this, but I can't see how they could have survived that, and we had hints from the showrunners that Tormund wasn't going to survive this season (hence everyone being extra-surprised when he survived the expedition north of the Wall).
Just rewatched the scene. Last time he is shown he looks at the part of the wall that is crumbling behind him. So I thought that he would still be at the top of the wall, as he was running to the west and the wall collapsed from the west to the east. But if they hinted it ...
Beric (and his 'we're back frm the dead thing w Jon) is a dangling plot ref'd in the second to last ep, and there is no way in all of tvland that the show won't give fans a few more moments of Tormund panting after Brienne... that (improved, btw) bit was wholly too loved by the fans not to get more play.
Malankazooie, on 28 August 2017 - 02:41 PM, said:
Okay. A couple more things:
1) Qyburn was quite creepy when it came to the wight. I was all like
nooooo don't let that weirdo
near it and learn anything about them!
Who knows what it takes to kill FrakenMountain currently, if Qyburn was able to imbue
him with wight magic you'd probably have to dice him up into little pieces to destroy him (or use fire or one of them shiny black knives
It would be wholly appropriate for Sandor to end Gregor with fire.
2) From what I remember from the books, The Golden Company are baaaaaaaadasses!
Yeah, but the book version had a very, very different plot purpose. I'm pretty sure here they are just being used as a device to get Cersei more troops who can be as badass as the plot needs them to be, with a little nod to the books for the fans. We may get commander Connington but I seriously doubt we'll see his pet (fake) Aegon Targaryen.
Terez, on 28 August 2017 - 02:52 PM, said:
It wasn't the type of sex that made it boring. Their facial expressions were dull; there didn't seem to be any real emotion or passion there at all.
Call that for most of their scenes together. On a show with generally decent to awesome performances, Clarke and Harrington are not selling this.
Tho if the gossip from a year or two ago is true, they had a thing and it ended ugly.
End of Disc One, on 28 August 2017 - 03:03 PM, said:
If Bronn can carry Jaime in armor half a mile underwater downstream, Tormund and Berric can run to the side and survive.
....on a giant wall of ice being blasted by an undead dragon being ridden by a millnia old ice lich. So, yes, exactly.