Slow Ben, on 03 October 2020 - 12:48 AM, said:
Knowing, on 02 October 2020 - 06:11 PM, said:
Malankazooie, on 28 September 2020 - 03:52 PM, said:

I really don't understand why this would be surprising at all to anyone. Or how this would turn into a 'gotcha moment' Oh wow, a really rich guy has done everything he can legally and illegally alike to avoid taxes. I also find it odd how there isn't any reporting on what the IRS is going to do. Tell me the plan on how/when the IRS is going to nail him down like a bug and suck those funds out of him. God knows they're happy to do it to so many other citizens. Or is the government or IRS going to come out and admit, "shit there's nothing we can really do unless we change how we prosecute those who have violated tax laws"?
Also, as far as some research into our politicians, can we do some income sourced hit jobs on the overwhelming number of senators and congressmen making bank while in office. Some investigation into the people who create and vote on the laws that dictate our country is consistently ignored in our country as we tend to center our focus on the one sitting in the oval office.
For a week the news covered the rat bastards Burr, Inhoffe, Feinstein, and Loeffler and the way they dumped stocks knowing damned well how bad the COVID outbreak would be, yet from what I can tell government 'investigations' have ruled they were well within the bounds of their positions in office. This clearly shows those boundaries need to be changed so we have representatives in those positions trying to uphold or shift laws in the favor of their constituents, not creating loopholes for themselves to make money.
I'm less worried about the fact that he is probably guilty of tax evasion and tax fraud. Like you said, its common for the wealthy and they generally get away with it. And without changes to the tax code and beefing up the IRS, it wont change anytime soon.
What worries me is he owes 400 plus million to an unnamed source. And if he wins this election, that loan will come due while he's president. Who does he owe that money too? To quote Eric Trump, "we don't need US banks, we get all the funding we need out of Russia."
Plus, I dont think he wanted them released because it shows he's a shitty fucking businessman.
'Pay | ing tax | es || is | for poor | peeple' (iambic pentameter)
This post has been edited by Azath Vitr (D'ivers: 03 October 2020 - 01:02 AM