'Supporters of President Donald Trump flooded a hotline used by Iowa precinct chairs to report Democratic caucus results after the telephone number was posted online, worsening delays in the statewide tally, a top state Democrat told party leaders on a conference call Wednesday night.
According to two participants on the call, Ken Sagar, a state Democratic central committee member, was among those answering the hotline on caucus night and said people called in and expressed support for Trump.'
'In an apparent reference to House Speaker Nancy Pelosi tearing up a copy of President Donald Trump's State of the Union address on Tuesday night, Pompeo tweeted an image of Lisa Simpson weeping on the floor as she rips up pieces of paper. But the image comes from a key scene in [...] "Mr. Lisa Goes to Washington," in which Lisa witnesses firsthand a corrupt politician at work and becomes disillusioned with American democracy.'
'Don Jr. Calls Sen. Mitt Romney a "Pussy" for Announcing Vote to Convict Trump
"Donald Trump Jr. posted a picture on Instagram calling Sen. Mitt Romney (R-UT) a “pussy” after the former GOP presidential candidate announced that he would be voting to convict President Trump on one of two impeachment charges. The picture featured Romney wearing high-waisted jeans, and was captioned: “Mom Jeans, Because you’re a pussy.”'
'Trump Uses Prayer Breakfast to Hit Romney for Invoking Faith
[...] Trump began his speech by saying he'd "been put through a terrible ordeal by some very dishonest and corrupt people," before praising "courageous Republican politicians and leaders" who supported him. [...] Trump said:
"I don't like people who use their faith as justification for doing what they know is wrong..."'
'[More from Trump's speech:] "so many people have been hurt, and we can't let that go on." Asked about Trump's comments, Grisham told Fox News that the president thinks "people should be held accountable.""
'"He is going to be honest, going to speak with honesty and I think with a little bit of humility that he and the family went through a lot'
'"He gave a little preview this morning at the prayer breakfast," she said on Fox News' America's Newsroom. "He is going to be honest, going to speak with honesty and I think with a little bit of humility that he and the family went through a lot...But I think he's also going to talk about just how horribly he was treated and, you know, that maybe people should pay for that."'
'In Private, Republicans Admit They Acquitted Trump Out of Fear
One journalist remarked to me, "How in the world can these senators walk around here upright when they have no backbone?"'
[...] when Mr. Schiff told the Senate: “CBS News reported last night that a Trump confidant said that Republican senators were warned, ‘Vote against the president and your head will be on a pike.’” The response from Republicans was immediate and furious. Several groaned and protested and muttered, “Not true.” But pike or no pike, Mr. Schiff had clearly struck a nerve. (In the words of Lizzo: truth hurts.)'
This post has been edited by Azath Vitr (D'ivers: 06 February 2020 - 05:42 PM