'Sean Hannity: Chicago Seventh-Grader Killed By Police Was a "13-Year-Old Man"
Despite footage that showed Adam Toledo was shot with his hands up, the right cast the killing as “justified.”
After then-17-year-old Kyle Rittenhouse [...] killed two people at a racial justice protest last year in Kenosha, Wisconsin, brandishing an assault weapon as he walked past police, the right cast him as both a harmless kid and a hero.
[...] “This kid was out there trying to help people,” [...] said in an appearance on Sean Hannity’s show. “You’ve got a little boy out there trying to protect his community.”
[...] So what do they have to say about Adam Toledo, the 13-year-old who was seen in video released Thursday raising his empty hands in the air as police officer Eric Stillman fatally shot him in a Chicago alley?
[...] the cop who shot him was not only “justified” in opening fire on the child, according to Chicago Police Union President John Catanzara—he was valorous for doing so. “That officer’s actions were actually heroic,” Catanzara, who has one of the worst disciplinary records in the city’s force and was suspended in February for bigoted and inflammatory social media posts and allegedly falsifying police reports[...]
“This is a justified shooting,” former National Rifle Association spokesperson Dana Loesch said on Hannity. “End of story.”
That the right has reflexively rallied around Stillman—who has had three complaints filed against him and four use of force reports, all against Black men, since 2017, [...] is not particularly surprising. Catanzara, who last made national headlines for defending the Capitol Hill insurrectionists, is emblematic of this country’s toxic police culture, and the deference shown to his imagined authority is part of what allows it to continue. Moreover, there’s precedent: Hannity’s description of Toledo as a “man” echoes the way 12-year-old Tamir Rice, who was shot by Cleveland police in 2014 while playing in a park with a toy gun, was portrayed by those who sought to justify his killing: “He’s menacing,” former Cleveland Police Patrolman’s Association President Steve Loomis said of Rice. “He wasn’t that little kid you’re seeing in pictures. He’s a 12-year-old in an adult body.”'
'Geraldo Loses His Mind at Dan Bongino[...]
The moment Sean Hannity brought Geraldo Rivera and Dan Bongino onto his Fox News show[...] everyone watching knew that the sole purpose of the segment was to watch the two Fox pundits fight.
And they did not disappoint[...]
[...] Bongino made a show of shaking his head before saying: “I don’t even know how to respond to that. Give me a second to digest the stupidity of that.”
“You’re nothing but a name-caller! You’re a cheap shot artist!” Rivera shouted.
“I know more than you! What do you know?” Rivera yelled. “What, did you have a ten-minute career as a cop? You’ve been running for office for the last 20 years.”
“Take a Valium. You’ve really gotta pipe down. My gosh, you’re a 70-year-old man!” Bongino snarked at the 77-year-old.
“You’ve got nothing. All you want to do is see the country burn. You just want to see the country burn,” Bongino replied with a smirk, prompting Rivera to lose his mind.
“I want to see the country burn! You son of a bitch,” he screamed. “I want to see the country burn! You punk! You're nothing but a punk! You're a punk, Bongino!”
“Oh boy,” Hannity finally interjected. “We’ll leave it there.”'