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Political Comedy starring world leaders and local idiots Laugh while you cry

#1361 User is offline   Azath Vitr (D'ivers 

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Posted 04 April 2021 - 08:01 PM

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The Lord has Risen! And He's going to keep releasing These like a zombie bot until Doomsday!

'Hunter Biden: I Smoked "Parmesan Cheese" [...]

[...] "I spent more time on my hands and knees picking through rugs, smoking anything that even remotely resembled crack cocaine. I probably smoked more parmesan cheese than anyone that you know," a laughing Biden said during an interview[...]

Biden, who dives into his long-running battle with drugs and alcohol in his upcoming memoir Beautiful Things, also recounted how his father staged an intervention while he was binge-drinking vodka and smoking crack. "[...] he ditched the Secret Service and figured out a way to get over to the house[...] And I said, 'What are you doing here?' And I said, dad, I'm fine. And he said, 'You're not fine.'"'


This post has been edited by Azath Vitr (D'ivers: 04 April 2021 - 08:03 PM


#1362 User is offline   Azath Vitr (D'ivers 

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Posted 04 April 2021 - 11:38 PM

'Trump Slams "Cancel Culture" by Calling for Multiple Boycotts

"Happy Easter" [...]

[...] Georgia's Gov. Brian Kemp vowed to defend the [new voter suppression law], saying "free and fair elections" are worth any threats, boycotts or lawsuits.

[...] "I want to be clear: I will not be backing down from this fight. We will not be intimidated, and we will also not be silenced," Kemp said.

"Major League Baseball, Coca-Cola and Delta may be scared of Stacey Abrams, Joe Biden and the left, but I am not," [Kemp] said, referring to companies that have also criticized the new law.


"Statement by Donald J. Trump, 45th President of the United States of America

For years the Radical Left Democrats have
played dirty by boycotting products when
anything from that company is done or stated
in any way that offends them. Now they are
going big time with WOKE CANCEL CULTURE
and our sacred elections. It is finally time for
Republicans and Conservatives to fight back—
we have more people than they do—by far!
Boycott Major League Baseball, Coca-Cola,
Delta Airlines, JPMorgan Chase, ViacomCBS,
Citigroup, Cisco, UPS, and Merck. Don't go
back to their products until they relent. We can
play the game better than them. They didn't
play the game better than them. They didn't
even get approval of State Legislatures, which
is mandated under the U.S. Constitution. They
rigged and stole our 2020 Presidential
Election, which we won by a landslide, and
then, on top of that, boycott and scare
companies into submission. Never submit,
never give up! The Radical Left will destroy our
Country if we let them. We will not become a
Socialist Nation. Happy Easter!"'


This post has been edited by Azath Vitr (D'ivers: 04 April 2021 - 11:39 PM


#1363 User is offline   Tiste Simeon 

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Posted 05 April 2021 - 12:20 AM

These are utterly disgusting people.
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#1364 User is offline   Malankazooie 

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Posted 05 April 2021 - 04:53 PM

Fishnets and boots. I'll let you guys Bing that (got my first jab of vaccine, so I Bing now btw).

Anyway, this is stupid shit, but I guess it's fair game because Ivanka Melania caught a lot of shit in her fashion choices (that included messages - e.g. "I don't care, why do you" jacket, when travelling to visit immigration detainment centers).

#1365 User is offline   Azath Vitr (D'ivers 

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Posted 05 April 2021 - 11:12 PM

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'Actively managed investment options could make up for their higher fees with higher returns. And some do, some of the time. Yet scores of industry and academic studies stretching over decades show that trying to beat the market tends to result in lower returns than just buying the market. [...] That joke about meditation applies to money management too: Don't just do something; sit there.

[...] Analysts at ["wealth management" firm "Please keep giving us your money"] have called passive investing "worse than Marxism." The investor Michael Burry, of The Big Short fame, has called it a "bubble," and a co-head of Goldman Sachs's investment-management division has warned about froth too. Shortly before his death in 2019, Bogle himself warned that index funds' dominance might not "serve the national interest."'


'Clarence Thomas' Attack on Social Media Companies Is a Paranoid Marxist Delusion

[...] Justice Clarence Thomas all but endorsed a fringe legal theory that would sharply limit social media companies' ability to moderate content on their own platforms, stripping them of their own First Amendment rights to dissociate with speech they dislike. This radical idea has no basis in the Supreme Court's constitutional jurisprudence—but it is popular among Republicans who accuse social media companies of censoring conservative speech. Thomas appears to have waded into the fever swamps of right-wing paranoia and come out with the conviction that courts and Congress must bring Big Tech to heel by jettisoning basic constitutional principles. This view would seem to conflict with the justice's belief that corporations hold a First Amendment right to anonymously spend unlimited amounts of money influencing elections, but in the clash between Thomas' legal tenets and (likely) political persuasions, partisan hackery has won out.'

#1366 User is offline   Azath Vitr (D'ivers 

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Posted 06 April 2021 - 12:39 AM

'Putin Was Just Voted Russia's Hottest Man Alive By A Landslide—And People Have Questions

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It seems like Vladimir Putin might have a thing for rigging elections. [...]

The 68-year-old was chosen as "Russia's Hottest Man Alive" by an extremely questionable survey that said 18% of men and 17% of women from 300 cities across Russia chose Putin as the most handsome man in the country.

The news the 5'6" Russian leader—with a love of taking his shirt off—had won came as no great surprise.

[...] "@Swampfox2020
Probably because all the other guys on the ballot mysteriously vanished"

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The horse was runner up !"


Fun fact: I was kicked out of a classroom in St Petersburg for refusing to agree with the teacher about Putin's sexiness.

She said "all women think Putin is extremely handsome, isn't it true Sonya?"

I said 'no I think he looks like a corpse'"


"The 68-year-old bachelor is the only individual to receive double digits in the open-ended questionnaire. Nineteen percent of men named themselves as Russia's most handsome man, while 18% of women said there are no handsome men in Russia."'


This post has been edited by Azath Vitr (D'ivers: 06 April 2021 - 12:40 AM


#1367 User is offline   Azath Vitr (D'ivers 

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Posted 06 April 2021 - 04:27 PM

'Trump Caught with Coca-Cola on Desk Just Days after Telling Supporters to Boycott It


After railing against so-called "cancel culture" he called on his followers to boycott companies who spoke out against the [Georgia voter suppression] bill—including Coca-Cola.


[...] only three days after Trump issued the statement, Stephen Miller—avowed white supremacist and Trump's immigration advisor—tweeted a photo with the former President.

An enhanced version of the photo shows what appears to be a glass coke bottle hidden behind Trump's office phone.


"I just love that he had the presence of mind and intention to hide it- it is actively 'hidden' for camera behind the phone.

They're all just too dumb to actually hide it for the 5 seconds the shot takes."'


This post has been edited by Azath Vitr (D'ivers: 06 April 2021 - 04:28 PM


#1368 User is offline   Azath Vitr (D'ivers 

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Posted 06 April 2021 - 08:28 PM

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#1369 User is offline   Azath Vitr (D'ivers 

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Posted 06 April 2021 - 08:53 PM

'Mitch to Big Biz: Get Out of Politics—Unless You're Donating

Mitch McConnell (R-KY), who has taken many millions of dollars in corporate donations over the years, is not happy with corporations having an opinion on Georgia's new voter law. "I have a warning, if you will, to corporate America... It's to stay out of politics. It's not what you were designed for," [...] But, he added: "I'm not talking about political contributions... Most [corporations] contribute to both sides. They have political action committees. That's fine. It's legal. It's appropriate."

[...] He is so famously in favor of corporations wading into politics that he fought for there to be no limits on corporate donations in the landmark 2003 lawsuit, McConnell v FEC.'


'Gaetz Fundraises Off Teen Sex-Trafficking Probe


Gaetz accused the media of [...] dragging "my dating life into their political attacks." A button at the end of the message directs the reader to "click here to fight back against the fake news." Gaetz, who is under federal investigation for allegedly paying a 17-year old girl for sex, is borrowing a page from his icon Donald Trump's playbook by fundraising off bad press. But the congressman has largely been abandoned by allies in Donald Trump's orbit, and his colleagues in Congress[...]

"The only trafficking the Congressman is aware of is the trafficking in misinformation and lies in what is an increasingly clear attempt to extort a sitting U.S. Congressman," said a spokesperson for Gaetz. "He is grateful for the amazing show of support from his constituents and friends."'

'Activists Stole a Confederate Memorial and Are Threatening to Turn It Into a Toilet

A group calling itself White Lies Matter has taken responsibility, and has made some demands.

[...] a monument to Confederate President Jefferson Davis estimated to be worth $500,000 was stolen from a cemetery in Selma last month[...]

White Lies Matter offered to return the statue to the United Daughters of the Confederacy, on one condition: that the UDC hang up a banner for a full day beginning Friday to celebrate the 156th anniversary of Robert E. Lee's surrender to Ulysses S. Grant'

This post has been edited by Azath Vitr (D'ivers: 06 April 2021 - 08:54 PM


#1370 User is offline   Malankazooie 

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Posted 07 April 2021 - 03:13 PM

Is it true that when Coca Cola was established, the early formula included actual cocaine? Or is that an urban legend? If it did have cocaine it had to have been an inert, non active version, right?

Also, if it's an option, always go with Mexican Coke.

I know some grocery stores will carry it in bottles. If not, go to your favorite local taqueria and ask if they have it (it's best from a soda machine dispenser). Hits the spot on a hot summer day.

#1371 User is offline   Vengeance 

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  • very good...;)

Posted 07 April 2021 - 03:56 PM

It is true.
How many fucking people do I have to hammer in order to get that across.
Hinter - Vengy - DIE. I trusted you you bastard!!!!!!!

Steven Erikson made drowning in alien cum possible - Obdigore

#1372 User is offline   Azath Vitr (D'ivers 

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Posted 07 April 2021 - 05:24 PM

View PostMalankazooie, on 07 April 2021 - 03:13 PM, said:

Is it true that when Coca Cola was established, the early formula included actual cocaine? Or is that an urban legend? If it did have cocaine it had to have been an inert, non active version, right?

Also, if it's an option, always go with Mexican Coke.

I know some grocery stores will carry it in bottles. If not, go to your favorite local taqueria and ask if they have it (it's best from a soda machine dispenser). Hits the spot on a hot summer day.

It contained (psycho)active cocaine. And was marketed as a 'temperance drink' / 'medicine'.

'back in 1885 it was far from uncommon to use cocaine in patent medicines (which is what Coca-Cola was originally marketed as) and other medical potions. When it [later] first became general knowledge that cocaine could be harmful, the backroom chemists who comprised Coca-Cola [...] did everything they could with the technology they had available at the time to remove every trace of cocaine from the beverage.'


' Originally marketed as a temperance drink and intended as a patent medicine [...]

Coca-Cola once contained an estimated nine milligrams of cocaine per glass. [...]

After 1904, instead of using fresh leaves, Coca-Cola started using "spent" leaves – the leftovers of the cocaine-extraction process with trace levels of cocaine. Since then, Coca-Cola has used a cocaine-free coca leaf extract [...] prepared at [...] the only manufacturing plant authorized by the federal government to import and process coca leaves[...] Stepan Company extracts cocaine from the coca leaves, which it then sells to Mallinckrodt, the only company in the United States licensed to purify cocaine for medicinal use.

Long after the syrup had ceased to contain any significant amount of cocaine, in the southeastern U.S., "dope" remained a common colloquialism for Coca-Cola, and "dope-wagons" were trucks that transported it.'


Maybe Trump adds some back in? Would make it more 'diet' certainly....

'Women's Group Taps "Fearless Leader" Matt Gaetz to Headline Upcoming Event

[...] will deliver an address to a women's event at the Trump Doral hotel [...] amid an investigation into an alleged sexual relationship he had with a 17-year-old that may have breached federal sex trafficking statutes. The Department of Justice is also probing whether Gaetz paid women for sex on various visits to Florida. [...] hosted by Women for America First, a group that was heavily involved in the rally that preceded the Jan. 6 Capitol riot. It was Women for America First that secured the permit for the gathering where [...] Trump delivered his address to supporters who later stormed the Capitol building. Women for America First tweeted, "Rep. Matt Gaetz has been a fearless leader in DC. Few members of Congress have been more willing than Matt to stand up & fight on behalf of President Trump & his America First Agenda. We are honored to have @RepMattGaetz speak at the #SaveAmericaSummit!"'


'In an interview[...], comedian Dave Chappelle said he saw celebrities writing "crazy shit" to Trump at one of Obama's last big parties before leaving office. "Remember when the Trump administration moved in, they said, 'The Obama staff left dirty notes for us in all the drawers and all the cabinets.' Now, I saw this happening," admitted Chappelle. "I'm not gonna say who did it... But it was celebrities writing all this crazy shit and putting it all over there and I saw them do it, so when I saw that news I laughed real hard." One of Trump's White House press secretaries[...] complained [...] that Trump officials found notes saying "You will fail" and "You aren't going to make it" when they took over. Obama aides always denied it'


'Actual Comedians Roast Greg Gutfeld's New Fox News "Comedy" Show

Greg Gutfeld—a longtime co-host of Fox News' The Five who is known for such edgy commentary as downplaying the cost of war, dismissing obvious racism, and unabashedly sucking up to Donald Trump—premiered a new 11 p.m. show Monday night called Gutfeld! Its title evokes Jeb Bush's failed presidential campaign and the logo design seems to directly resemble the Garfield comics[...]

"I'm as giddy as Kamala Harris explaining kids in cages," Gutfeld told viewers at the top of the show. "Or Woody Allen hearing about kids in cages." From there, he presented bizarre "parodies" of MSNBC's Brian Williams reporting "from the surface of Mars" [...] and a poorly acted mock-CNN panel in which two white people accused each other of being racist.

"He reminds me of the boss whose jokes you're forced to laugh at," [...]

"Just because something has the cadence of a joke does not make it a joke," [...] "I'm sorry for the five staffers who make up the laugh track. I know they're staffers because it's the kind of sharp, pained laugh of a person who's barely getting paid enough to be there."


[Edit: 'In 1886, the city of Atlanta passed a short-lived law prohibiting the sale and/or manufacture of alcohol.

In response, a pharmacist named John Pemberton created a faux wine, mixing together fruit flavors with extracts from kola nuts (caffeine) and coca leaves (cocaine). [...] Coca-Cola was born.'

This post has been edited by Azath Vitr (D'ivers: 07 April 2021 - 05:34 PM


#1373 User is offline   Malankazooie 

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Posted 07 April 2021 - 05:54 PM

Man, that's crazy.

Just imagine the old timey commercials at the time:


"Throw out that popular 'jump up' tincture with the bath water, and instead get your day started with vim and vigor by drinking Coca Cola."


#1374 User is offline   Azath Vitr (D'ivers 

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Posted 07 April 2021 - 06:51 PM

View PostMalankazooie, on 07 April 2021 - 05:54 PM, said:

Man, that's crazy.

Just imagine the old timey commercials at the time:


"Throw out that popular 'jump up' tincture with the bath water, and instead get your day started with vim and vigor by drinking Coca Cola."

The puff adder of snake oils....

#1375 User is offline   Azath Vitr (D'ivers 

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Posted 08 April 2021 - 04:27 PM

'"Psychotic" fundraising tactics show how unhinged the Republican Party has become [...]

[...] recent fundraising from the NRCC [...] If donors wanted to uncheck a box that would have signed them up for recurring monthly donations, they were told, "If you UNCHECK this box, we will have to tell Trump you're a DEFECTOR…. Make this a monthly recurring donation."


NRCC spokesman Michael McAdams, in defense of its tactics, claimed that the NRCC "employs the same standards that are accepted and utilized by Democrats and Republicans across the digital fund-raising ecosystem."


"(McAdams) did not say if he'd ever come across a Democratic fundraising notice that read, 'If you UNCHECK this box, we will have to tell Joe Biden you're a dirty rotten scoundrel and a traitor to the party.' Anyway, it's presumably a matter of time until these messages escalate to 'If you UNCHECK this box, we will have to tell Trump you're a traitor who deserves to die' or 'If you UNCHECK this box, we'll kill your whole family and make it look like an accident!'"'


'Biden Says Trains Will Soon Be Almost as Fast as Planes[...]

[...] "What we're really doing is raising the bar on what we can imagine[...] Imagine a world where you and your family can travel coast to coast without a single tank of gas on a high-speed train close to as fast as you can go across the country in a plane."

Yes, imagine that. You'll have to, because it's not likely to be something you'll ever experience in real life.

[...] the fastest speed that a train has ever achieved—not while carrying passengers, mind you, but just as an experiment—is 357 mph. Over long distances, while carrying passengers and making stops at stations, the world's speediest train is China's Beijing to Nanjing line, which runs at slightly less than 200 mph.

Meanwhile, the average speed of a commercial jet in the United States is about 500 mph.


"We're going to talk about commercial aircraft flying at subsonic speeds—supersonic speeds," he said Wednesday, before suggesting that future planes would be about to "traverse the world in about an hour, travel 21,000 miles in an hour."

That's roughly 10 times faster than the fastest plane in human history.

There are two possibilities here. Either Biden is just pulling these numbers out of his butt, or the planes of the future are going to be so awesome that they make high-speed rail even more obsolete.'

'Intel's Dystopian Anti-Harassment AI Lets Users Opt-in For "Some' Racism"

Intel is launching an artificial intelligence application that will recognize and redact hate speech in real-time. It's called Bleep, and Intel hopes it'll help with one of gaming's oldest and most intractable problems—people can be real pieces of shit online.


A video of the app shows that it will allow users to customize what kind and how much hate speech they want to see, including "Racism" and "White Nationalism" sliders that can be set to "none," "some," "most," or "all," and a separate on and off toggle for the "N-word."

[...] Bleep presented users with a list of sliders so gamers can control the amount of hate and abuse they encounter. The list included ableism and body shaming, LGBTQ+ hate, aggression, misogyny, name-calling, racism and xenophobia, sexually explicit language, swearing, and white nationalism.


Intel said Bleep would launch this year but was light on details. It did not, for example, explain what it means to allow some white nationalism into your life, but not all. "It's a complex problem, one the entire industry has to address,"'

'"Unhinged": Texas Republican Dan Crenshaw mocked for calling companies opposing voter suppression "fascism"

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[Crenshaw:] "they're always using this in these anti this 'Anti Fascist' labeling against the right, but they're the ones who actually engage in the tactics and it's time we expose that. That's really what's happening here and we should see it for what it is."


"Dan Crenshaw couldn't pass a 4th grade history class."'


'Alabama GOP Senate Candidate Is Outraged at Affair Allegations Before Being Shown a Tape

[...] the conservative Republican did what conservative Republicans do in times of controversy and tumult: He sought refuge in the warm embrace of conservative talk radio to line up his denials and get his story straight. "People are attempting to use this to either advance the candidacy of other people, or they are doing it primarily to harm me and my family," Merrill, who is married with two children, told the local station[...] "It's very frustrating and very sad." Elsewhere, Merrill, who has had his eye on the state's soon-to-be vacant U.S. Senate seat, went even further labeling the woman he denied having an affair with as "stalking" and "harassing" him.

"Let me say unequivocally that these baseless allegations are entirely false[...] Beginning in 2019, this woman began texting and communicating with me through social media. While we exchanged texts and she even visited the office, it was clear she had other intentions that were bordering on obsession. I alerted my wife, Cindy, to this and we both agreed to cut off any and all communication with her."

While Merrill was summoning all of the righteous indignation he could muster, the legal assistant who Merrill said he most certainly wasn't having an affair with, was handing a 17-minute recording of a phone call between the two that, ahem, indicated otherwise. On the recording, was a discussion of "various sexual acts they performed during dozens of romantic encounters." [...] The woman[...] also accused Merrill of using racist language to describe Black people in the state.

When presented with the recording, Merrill acknowledged the relationship. "It's clear that I had an inappropriate relationship with her, and it is not something that I am proud of or something that is something that—I'm very disappointed in myself[...] I'm also disappointed that I allowed my family to be embarrassed by this action."'

This post has been edited by Azath Vitr (D'ivers: 08 April 2021 - 04:27 PM


#1376 User is offline   Tiste Simeon 

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Posted 08 April 2021 - 05:19 PM

A classic case of I'm sorry I got caught.
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We all Scream
For I Scream.

#1377 User is offline   Malankazooie 

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Posted 09 April 2021 - 12:31 AM

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#1378 User is offline   Azath Vitr (D'ivers 

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Posted 09 April 2021 - 04:13 PM

'[...] bombshell news last weekend revealing the real identity of Q and the revelation that Matt Gaetz is reportedly being investigated for child sex trafficking barely registered a blip inside the QAnon conspiracy movement. But the death of a member of the British royal family from natural causes at the age of 99? Now that’s something to get excited about.

Many of them were displaying glee and excitement over the prince’s death, and many more were crudely predicting that Queen Elizabeth would be next to die, [...]

[...] a vast array of unhinged conspiracy theories about Prince Philip’s death, including the increasingly popular claim that he died as a result of recently being vaccinated against COVID-19.

Conspiracies like claims he had already died a long time ago, or that he had been executed, or [...]


Another Telegram user flagged that the Prince died on the 9th aged 99, and what number do you get when you turn 999 upside down? That’s right, 666.


[...]on the QAnon-focused Great Awakening message board[...] “Adrenochrome supply got held up in Suez Canal and unfortunately Prince Pompous Philip permanently fainted.”

Adrenochrome is the chemical that QAnon followers believe a group of elites around the world are collecting from the blood of tortured children and that they subsequently drink to prolong their lives.'

'Georgia Governor's Solution For Voters Stuck In Long Lines Is To Just "Order A Pizza" From UberEats

[...] Kemp appeared on the right-wing conservative network Newsmax to [...] defend his party's actions.

One aspect of the [Georgia] law which many have flagged as discriminatory is the criminalization of people handing out free water or food to voters waiting in lines that last hours.


"Wait a minute. The Jim Crow 2.0 law that Kemp signed has legal penalties for ANYONE that brings food or water to a person standing in line."


#1379 User is offline   Azath Vitr (D'ivers 

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Posted 09 April 2021 - 08:14 PM

'"Yippee!!!": Emails Show Trump Admin Officials Gleefully Meddled With CDC Reports

New emails, revealed by congressional investigators, show how Trump appointees at the Department of Health and Human Services gleefully celebrated attempts to get the CDC to play down the severity of the coronavirus pandemic.'


'National Review Comes Out Against Democracy, Explicitly

In the last week-plus, the nominally intellectual right-wing publication National Review has run three separate articles arguing that voting shouldn’t be easier to do, because if it is, stupid, ill-informed people will do too much of it. [...]


"Voters — individually and in majorities — are as apt to be wrong about things as right about them, often vote from low motives such as bigotry and spite, and very often are contentedly ignorant."


Theories about moving the ballot box out of the easy reach of the masses also belong firmly within the magazine’s intellectual tradition. Here’s what the National Review’s founder and guiding spirit, William F. Buckley, had to say in 1957 on the subject of how widespread the franchise ought to be:

"If the majority wills what is socially atavistic, then to thwart the majority may be, though undemocratic, enlightened . It is more important for any community, anywhere in the world, to affirm and live by civilized standards, than to bow to the demands of the numerical majority…Millions who have the vote do not care to exercise it; millions who have it do not know how to exercise it and do not care to learn."

Sounds familiar! Unfortunately for the magazine’s current editor, [...] who defended the Georgia law this week under the headline “Anyone Using the ‘Jim Crow’ Charge as a Political Weapon Should Hang His Head in Shame,” Buckley was specifically defending Jim Crow when he wrote it. His argument was that given “the median cultural superiority of White over Negro,” it was only appropriate to prevent Black people from joining a political majority that might favor things like integrated education—that, in the face of such a possibility, “the White community in the South is entitled to take such measures as are necessary to prevail, politically and culturally, in areas in which it does not predominate numerically.” The magazine would make similar arguments for years about the white apartheid government in South Africa.

[...] Williamson takes things even further with this nuclear holocaust of an analogy: “There would be more voters if we made it easier to vote, and there would be more doctors if we didn’t require a license to practice medicine. The fact that we believe unqualified doctors to be a public menace but act as though unqualified voters were just stars in the splendid constellation of democracy indicates how little real esteem we actually have for the vote, in spite of our public pieties.”

[...] The minority rights which Williamson claims to be concerned about are already a central feature of the American system, and are often the kind of thing that the National Review complains about when cited by, say, criminal defendants and non-Christians; McCarthy seems confused about whether China, which basically operates on the elite-consensus system he proposes, but also serves as his reflexive example of a place where it would be oppressive to live, is good or bad; McLaughlin, meanwhile, makes the incredible claim that “Republicans and conservatives,” the people who were just convinced by various online hoaxes to smash through the Capitol taking selfies in an effort to extend the presidency of a man who watches sixteen hours of cable TV every day, believe to an extent that Democrats and liberals do not that the electoral system “benefits from deliberation and reflection.”'

#1380 User is offline   Azath Vitr (D'ivers 

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Posted 10 April 2021 - 04:54 PM

'MyPillow's Mike Lindell tells Steve Bannon he's hired private investigators to probe Fox News

[...] "Why is Michael Lindell not on Fox and why is, why do they seem to say, 'Hey, when Dominion says something we're just gonna shut up about it and talk about Biden's tax bill?'" Bannon asked Lindell.

"Well you know I'm going to have those answers too because I've hired private investigators, and I've spent a lot of money on them to investigate everything," Lindell insisted.

"Why, why are the bots and trolls? Who's behind them? What, you know, why is Facebook involved? Wikipedia involved? And then the big question: Why isn't Fox having people on why isn't Fox on there talking about, you know, Dominion and Smartmatic and the election?"

The fact that Dominion is [...] suing Fox News in a $1.6 billion defamation case, may offer some answers. Smartmatic is also
suing Fox News, in a $2.7 billion lawsuit.'


'"Truth will prevail": Matt Gaetz takes break from scandal to speak at Trump club'


Reaching for Trumpian rhetoric at the Trump National Doral Miami golf course, the Republican told an event organised by Women for America First: "I know this. Firebrands don't retreat, especially when the battle for the soul of our country calls."

[...] "[...] They aren't really coming for me. They're coming for you. I'm just in the way."'

[...] "[...] current and former congressional officials have described … occasions when Mr Gaetz smelled of marijuana on the House floor or shared videos and images of women with whom he claimed to be having sex."'


'Trump held steady among believers at the ballot — it was the nonreligious vote he lost in 2020

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Despite exit poll data initially pointing toward a drop in white evangelical support for Trump in 2020, the latest data shows this not to be the case. [...]

[...] with 80% of white evangelicals backing Trump in 2020, support actually ticked up from the 78% who voted for him four years earlier. Trump also saw two-point increases in the vote of nonwhite evangelicals, white Catholics, Black Protestants and Jews compared with four years ago.

These differences are not statistically significant, and as such it would be wrong to say it definitively shows Trump gained among religious groups. But it indicates that among the largest religious groups in the U.S., voting patterns in the November 2020 vote seemed to hold largely steady with four years earlier. [...]

Nonwhite Catholics shifted four points toward Donald Trump. This fits with what we saw in places like the heavily Hispanic and Catholic Miami-Dade County, Florida, where Trump's overall vote share improved from 35% to 46% between 2016 and 2020.

Trump also managed to pick up 15 percentage points among the Mormon vote. [...]

[... Trump] picked up some support among smaller religious groups in the U.S., like Hindus and Buddhists. Trump increased his share among these two groups by four percentage points each.

What is clear is that Trump lost a good amount of ground among the religious unaffiliated. Trump's share of the atheist vote declined from 14% in 2016 to just 11% in 2020; the decline among agnostics was slightly larger, from 23% to 18%.

[... For] those who identify as "nothing in particular" — a group that represents 21% of the overall U.S. population [... Trump's] vote share [...] dropped by three percentage points, while Biden's rose by more than seven points[...]

Looked at broadly, Trump did slightly better among Christians and other smaller religious groups in the U.S. but lost ground among the religiously unaffiliated.'


'Is Boris Johnson Living in a Children's Book?

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After conducting a thorough analysis of the Tory leader's activities, I reached a startling conclusion: The British prime minister appears to be living in a Richard Scarry book. I hesitate to tarnish the memory of early childhood classics like Best Word Book Ever and What Do People Do All Day? with this man's destructive buffoonery, but the people deserve to know that the leader of the United Kingdom is a resident of Busytown.'

'People Outraged After Fox News Tries To Blame Meghan And Harry For Prince Philip's Death

[...] Fox & Friends host Brian Kilmeade linked the death of Queen Elizabeth II's husband – without any evidence – to last month's Oprah Winfrey interview with the Duke and Duchess of Sussex that touched on allegation of racism inside Buckingham Palace.

Kilmeade suggested the tell-all interview that shocked audiences worldwide was all too much for the Duke of Edinburgh to take.'


'Michael Cohen Burns Matt Gaetz With Brutal Prom Joke'


'GOP Sen[ator] Tried to Slam Biden's Infrastructure Bill Using Huge Graphics But Ended Up Promoting It Instead

"Sen. Marsha Blackburn
Replying to @MarshaBlackburn
The Biden administration is putting their priorities over Americans' priorities."


In addition to decrying the billions invested in combatting the climate crisis, Blackburn also slammed the infrastructure plan for allocating $400 billion to elder care.

In her attempt to rebuke the plan on Twitter, Blackburn just ended up making it look good—and invited trolling from the Democratic party's official Twitter account.'


'[Gun nut Congresswoman] Lauren Boebert inadvertently admits to "destroying our freedoms" in latest Twitter rant

[...] "We live in the freest country on planet earth," Boebert tweeted. "The rest of the world envies our freedoms. Meanwhile, we have a political party that is laser-focused on destroying our freedoms. It is not only shocking but very dangerous.

[...] since Boebert did not specifically name the Democratic Party, she opened the door for Twitter users to flip the script. Critics quickly seized the moment by trolling Boebert's tweet as they interpreted it as a critical reaction to her own political party.'


'Top Kansas Pol Booted After Report He Called Cop "Donut Boy" During DWI Arrest

A top Kansas Republican who allegedly got behind the wheel drunk and led cops on a harrowing wrong-way chase was ousted Friday night as the state Senate's majority leader. Sen. Gene Suellentrop, 69, had balked at growing calls for him to step down after his March 16 arrest, but revelations that he called a police officer "donut boy" sealed his fate, The Wichita Eagle reported.

[...] "[...] he's got to pay."'


This post has been edited by Azath Vitr (D'ivers: 10 April 2021 - 04:54 PM


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