Gorefest, on 02 May 2016 - 07:23 PM, said:
I don't even mind Roman that much, he can put on a decent match and he has a good physique for the company etc. What annoys me is how he is being pushed down our throats even though it was clear from the start that the fans didn't gel with him, or at least not yet. But it just seems that every wrestler that the fans get behind is burned down or sidelined, almost as if McMahon wants to make a point that he knows best. He is confusing 'messing with expections' with 'killing off legitimate talent'. That said, Payback was sort of okay though. It did very little to further any storylines, so in that sense it was a failure. But some of the matches were truly outstanding. Even Ryback vs Kalisto in the pre-show was decent, and that is saying something.
It was alright I'll concede, better than the utter drivel that was Wrestlemania 32 anyhow. It still had so many issues though, why didn't Corbin go over Ziggler? What was the point in ending the woman's match that way? Don't even get me started on why on earth Charlotte is still champ, when they have Banks and Lynch just sitting there. Really wanted Cesaro to win, but it was a decent match and I can understand ending it that way to further a program perhaps between them, maybe with some sort of triple threat/fatal 4 way eventually. As for the main event, well I've made my opinions on Reigns clear but even despite that I felt it was more than a bit overbooked. The stoppages were unnecessary and just seemed to be a way to keep the McMahon's in the spotlight, the interference was even more unnecessary considering the outcome and how weak the Bullet Club looked against The Usos, and cutting away to the McMahon's at the end was just a cheap ploy to hide the boo's from viewers, since they got found out for turning down the mics at Mania.
Don't get me wrong, Reigns made Styles looks a million bucks next to his clunky, amateurish ability, but Styles has been putting on match of the decade contenders for 10 years - the triple threat between him, Samoa Joe and Christopher Daniels in TNA is hands down the best Triple Threat I've ever watched and that includes Benoit/Michaels/Triple H at Wrestlemania 20 - and I can't help but feel the match could've been so much better against a different opponent, just think about Styles/Rollins and how sweet that would be :/ Honestly It was just more indication they are turning him into the new Super Cena, 4 Phenomenal Forearms (including one through the table), 1 Calf Crusher, Bullet Club tag finisher and the 450 splash, Reigns kicks out; 1 spear AJ is down. The Styles Clash went from the most protected move in New Japan, to non-existent, meanwhile Reigns continues to beat literally anyone with 1 naff looking spear - he put down Kane for 10 whole seconds in a Last Man Standing match with that spear back in 2014-15, 1 spear!!!
I'll stop ranting about him now
Zayn Vs Owens was brilliant, literally brilliant, and honestly I had no worries about the outcome either way, I love both of them they are so damn good. Great match, not Zayn's best match of the year so far but quite possibly Owens'. As for Zayn's, his match with Nakamura at Takeover Dallas truly sensational, legitimately the best match I've seen in the WWE for at least 5 years maybe more, as good as Nakamura's bout with AJ at Wrestle Kingdom 10 for New Japan in January, both 5* from any PoV. Takeover Dallas was just brilliant all around, so much better than Mania it would have been funny if it wasn't so pitiable.
Could not agree with you more about Vince confusing subverting expectations with killing talent. Even Daniel Bryan, the biggest indie success (along with Punk, but we all know what happened there) had to fight tooth and nail to get what he did, and really only did so because the fans hijacked the storyline, it was obvious Vince didn't want to give him that shot. You almost don't ever want to see Joe, Aries, Nakamura, Itami etc, ever come up to the main roster for fear of how they'll be treated. Frankly I feel as though at this point NXT needs to add a midcard belt and become a 2 hour show, it easily has the talent to accommodate and such an arrangement would further benefit the performance centre guys by giving them more opportunities on the main show. Besides anything that gets Rich Swann on the program more has my vote