llRobinll, on 07 October 2015 - 08:28 PM, said:
And i'm probably wrong but I recall reading Karsa to be 80 years old but since Teblor live way longer he's still young for teblor years. And I'm imagining any 80 year old living being to be quite weathered, but you guys are completelly right that he still looks way to old.
You say it yourself, Teblor live longer. The point in DG is that Karsa
looks like 17 years old. A giant 17-year-old, but he passes for 17. Of course, in HoC we find out that he is actually 80, but also that Teblor live longer and mature slower, which boils down to the same thing: he is and looks like he's barely out of his teenager years. Even taking into account what happens between the start of HoC and the Whirlwind Rebellion, he's still a youth.
llRobinll, on 07 October 2015 - 08:28 PM, said:
@Puckstein: I don't recall reading a teblor is almost as broad as tall but again, I'm probably wrong. But I'd like to mention that making him almost as broad as tall wont make him look like a giant at all, more like a dwarf if anything.
You're right, I had a misconnection in my brain and was thinking of another character. However, the point that the Teblor have a different inner architecture, so to speak, and thus that their outer appearance reflects this still stands. Also, I just did my research, and the Teblor are descended from the Toblakai who are descended from the Thel Akai, who were made of stone, so they are unlikely to look like neanderthals. And in his very first appearance in DG, Karsa is described as being so muscled as to seem wide and as having a flat face.
This is all, of course, not helping much in the aftermath. Uhm, I'm not sure how to put it without coming off as overly preachy, but research should be done
before a project, especially if it's - if I understand it correctly - for uni and the point is to learn as much as possible (they go hand in hand). Especially if all it takes is an hour on the internet, and you're still free to cast your findings aside after said hour. That, of course, is not supposed to diminish the work you put into it. It's just that character design is a tricky thing no matter from angle you go at it.
Edit: About the height: Karsa's said to be seven foot tall in DG. Whatever that means.
This post has been edited by Puckstein: 07 October 2015 - 10:07 PM