Summary: The game ended. Scum won.
I am very disappointed at the modding of this game. First, within the timespan of a few hours on day 1, we have someone reveal as healer, get lynched, and then in the lynch scene the
healer is explicitly mentioned, confirming that the reveal was fake. No other scenes mention the healer or any other roles. This is beyond unacceptable to me. To actually confirm for all players - on thread, as the mod - whether or not a reveal was fake or real is playing the game, not modding it. I don't care how you justify it; this was a massive mistake and it looks to be intentional. I am honestly still in shock that this even happened.
And now allowing the game to continue by breaking some of the most basic, standard rules we use in Mafia. First let's see the very specific rules given by P-S before the game:
Path-Shaper, on 05 October 2015 - 03:46 PM, said:
Game Specific Rules
Volountary reveals are allowed.
You are a roleless innocent. Your only power is the lynch, so use it well!
Days are 36 hours. Nights will be as instantaneous as possible.
Blend, you went out of your way to define the day and night phases and their lengths. The generic mechanic/rules post goes into a lot of detail about modkills, timers, day/night phases, what happens to voting requirements when a modkill happens, how modkills are instant even if not posted on thread by the mod, et cetera, et cetera.
So, just as an example - in a M&P game like this, with only town and scum, scum achieve victory by achieving parity (equal numbers) with town. There's no need to even mention scum having a majority or killing all other town players, as these conditions are entirely implicit in the parity condition (that is, they cannot ever occur without parity being reached first).
This is why games often end after a lynch but before night. I have never seen this not happen in a game. Example: There are 3 scum (say, 2 killers/1 symp) and 4 town during the day phase and a town player is lynched, but the killers have submitted a provisional night action to kill their symp (which would reduce scum numbers from 3 to 2). The game always ends after the lynch; the kill never goes through. As soon as the town player is lynched, scum achieve parity - 3 scum, 3 town - and the game ends. This happens all. The. Time. It doesn't matter what was going to happen in the future - as soon as parity is reached, scum have achieved their victory conditions, thereby ending the game.
Here is where the game ended:
Path-Shaper, on 15 October 2015 - 03:27 AM, said:
So... No lynch, however, the following two players are modkilled for inactivity:
Omtose and Mockra.
During Night 4...
Liosan has been killed. He was ansible and a Roleless Innocent.
It is now Day 5. 36 hours remaining.
There are 5 players left alive: Aparal Forge, Demelain, Karosis, Monok Ochem, Ryllandaras
5 votes for lynch, 4 votes for night.
Players not voted: Aparal Forge, Demelain, Karosis, Monok Ochem, Ryllandaras
This is exactly the same as the example I gave earlier; day times out at 36 hours if there is not a lynch. Modkills happen instantly at 36 hours. This means if the modkill timer is set from the beginning of the day (which it seemed to be because of the long weekend - if not, Omtose should have been modkilled very early in day 4), then at the end of the day the timer expires and any players who have not posted are removed from the game. The game does not progress to more phases until the modkills occur. When Omtose and Mockra were modkilled at the end of day 4, scum achieved parity with town (3 vs 3). How in God's name anyone would simply ignore this and proceed to continue with the game by resolving night is beyond my understanding.
Of course, I am aware of the rules and the players and I was fully expecting the game to end with 2 modkills. Unfortunate, yes, but this is the fault of the players, not the mod. It is the same as if a player plays the game poorly and negatively affects his team. The mod should be an enforcer of the rules, rather than ignoring them. And before I even had a chance to complain, this is the response I got:
Path-Shaper, on 15 October 2015 - 03:29 AM, said:
You have been killed - and unfortunately I'm not ending the game that way. The modkills happen simultaneous to the night kills.
SH password is spurn
I'm sorry, I have never played a Mafia game where modkills happen simultaneous to ANY night action at all, kill or not. They happen at the modkill timer, which in this game is 36 hours. If night phase began, why didn't the modkills take affect when the healer healed someone (as I assume they did)? Why only on an NK? This is arbitrary, and you betray yourself on thread by explicitly ending the day with the modkills BEFORE stating that the night phase began.
People seem to complain that Mafia here has gotten stale because of lack of player participation. I'm sure that's true, but what players need from a mod is a kick in the ass, not a big warm hug with a nice letter that confirms for us if a player is fake revealing or not. Neither do players need to be coddled by allowing the rules to be broken just so they can keep playing. The mod is a harsh mistress, and in Mafia, mercy is weakness and failure.
However -
We all know the golden rule - whoever has the gold makes the rules. And ultimate decision making always belongs to the mod, rules or no rules. Therefore Blend is totally within his right to break the rules of his own game if he so chooses. This has always been true and has affected many games for good and for bad. I will leave it at that and end my rant.
We sail in and out of Time, then back again. There is only one ship, the captain says. All the ships we hail between the galaxies or suns are this ship.