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Criticism of Malazan Book of the Fallen

#281 User is offline   Tiste Simeon 

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Posted 20 October 2005 - 03:06 PM

Jester - you would compare Tolkein with Eddings????
Fool - I read Truckers, I wasn't impressed. I am willing to give him another try though. Which would you recommend I start with?
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#282 User is offline   Blind 

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Posted 21 October 2005 - 02:59 PM

@Tiste: to start reading Pratchett, try the first Watch novel, Guards! Guards!. That one and Small Gods, are among my favourites of the Discworld novels.

#283 Guest_Fool_*

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Posted 21 October 2005 - 03:19 PM

Yes. Small Gods is definitely the best.

#284 User is offline   Jester 

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Posted 21 October 2005 - 11:17 PM

Tiste Simeon said:

Jester - you would compare Tolkein with Eddings????
Fool - I read Truckers, I wasn't impressed. I am willing to give him another try though. Which would you recommend I start with?

No Tiste, I would never compare Eddings with Tolkien.

#285 User is offline   Roland 

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Posted 23 October 2005 - 10:39 AM

Tiste - Truckers is a children's book. The real Pratchett is in the Diskworld series and if you prefer the comedy, you should read The Color of Magic, The Light Fantastic, Mort or Moving Pictures. BUT if you prefer deeper satire or hints of philosophy, his latter books, especially those of the Watch (Guards! Guards!, Men at Arms, Feet of Clay, Jingo, The Fifth Elephant, Night Watch and the forecoming Thud).

AND Small Gods, being the best Pratchett book in existence I'd recomend no matter what exaclyt you prefer. Same with Guards Guards! which is close to perfection :D

#286 Guest_Fool_*

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Posted 23 October 2005 - 12:05 PM

Dont read the color of magic or light fantastic. They are among his worst and they arent even funnier than his other books.

#287 User is offline   Roland 

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Posted 23 October 2005 - 12:19 PM

I disagree :D They are hilarious. And each page, word and character is a joke with something in other fantasy books.
The books I find among his worst are The Last Continent and The Truth.

#288 Guest_Fool_*

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Posted 23 October 2005 - 12:27 PM

Yeah, but if you arent some sort of expert at fantasy you will miss most of the jokes.

And The Truth is actually one of my favorites. Loved the vampire. And i'd say TLC is one of the funniest. Though the best rincewind one is still interesting times.

The worst are Eric and Equal Rites if you ask me.

#289 User is offline   Matrim 

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Posted 23 October 2005 - 01:21 PM

Roland said:

The books I find among his worst are The Last Continent and The Truth.

You are so misguided!:D The Last Continent is hilarious, the wizards are amazingly funny. And the Truth is making fun of today's media in a delightful way. The worst books, IMO, are those about the witches, Nanny Ogg can't save them, even though she is awesome. :p I couldn't even finish Equal Rites.

#290 User is offline   Roland 

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Posted 23 October 2005 - 05:04 PM

Check the topic, then check the forum. And stop the off-chat. If you want to discuss Pratchett's Books, open a new topic in Other Fantasy.

#291 User is offline   Morgoth 

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Posted 23 October 2005 - 05:53 PM

I actually like the witch books.. at least the later ones. Witches abroad is great me thinks..

Interesting times is probably my favourite of the DW books though. Closely followed by Small Gods and the Night Watch
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#292 Guest_Merkur_*

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Posted 27 October 2005 - 02:39 PM

To get this thread back on track,
what bothers me a little bit is the repeated occurence of ressurrection.

I, for my part, prefer the dead to stay dead (and unmoving). Hilarious funny as the female undead master thief may be, i think, if death is not final, the story loses suspense. I was already "sorry" for Duiker and Coltaine, and since then whole companies keep coming back. CanĀ“t see why Tehol couldnt stay dead, even if Kettle had to revive. As Erikson himself says, death gives meaning, so let it be.

The two tragic bells, who seem to stay mute are so far Lorn and Feliesin.
All other main-characters which come instantly to mind keep coming, in one or the other way, and i fear for the moment, which destroyed "Wheel of Time", when all characters are superstrong, please-stay-dead-finally munchkins.

#293 User is offline   Roland 

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Posted 28 October 2005 - 08:18 AM

Tehol never died, since Mael saved him. And the whole "dead coming back to life in Letheras" story had its roots in the plot :p Besides, it's not like undead master thiefs are lurking all over the place, right? ;)

#294 User is offline   Matrim 

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Posted 28 October 2005 - 08:44 AM

I wonder why someone would complain about Shurq being undead and than forgets to mention the T'lan Imass. Shouldn't you be annoyed by them not dying too? ;)

#295 User is offline   K'Chain Bull'shite 

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Posted 06 November 2005 - 07:33 AM

OK, this thread has become an insult. Are we talking about the Malazan Book of the Fallen or aren't we? Good thing he doesn't care what you all think, if such an adjective can be applied to your collective and dismal efforts towards understanding. He's not writing to entertain you, that is not his goal, this is important for You to understand. He's signed his contract and he's not concerned with sales numbers. He is not Robert Jordan or Terry Goodkind. He's not going to sell his soul or his principles to sell more books. Criticize all you like, he's not listening, nor does he have to. At this point, anything he writes will get published...the market is established. Now just imagine you're SE , and he, with his limited time, comes to view this thread, which turns out to be more about the puerile rubbish that Terry Pratchett churns out than his own works. You ought to be ashamed of yourselves.


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Posted 06 November 2005 - 11:36 AM

Criticize all you like, he's not listening, nor does he have to - is what you said, so why be so insulted for him?

I'm sure SE isn't.....because firstly he's probably got better things to do than waste his time reading this thread, and secondly I think he'd probably find it very amusing........ in a pathetic sort of way.

As an author, your published works are not going to be universally accepted as the best thing in the world by everyone, and I would bet that's another thing SE doesn't give a toss about it.

FWIW I agree with you that things do go running off on a strange tangent in this thread, but anyone who's paid their money to buy and read the books has a right to express their opinion, however much you may disagree with the manner in which they choose to do it. :D

#297 Guest_BAD_*

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Posted 06 November 2005 - 06:46 PM

Hetan said:

I'm sure SE isn't.....because firstly he's probably got better things to do than waste his time reading this thread, and secondly I think he'd probably find it very amusing........ in a pathetic sort of way.

Lies! All lies! I'm sure he "borrows" and twists some idea's we've come up with. :D

#298 User is offline   polishgenius 

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Posted 10 November 2005 - 12:35 PM

Kribalah Rule said:

OK, this thread has become an insult. Are we talking about the Malazan Book of the Fallen or aren't we? Good thing he doesn't care what you all think, if such an adjective can be applied to your collective and dismal efforts towards understanding. He's not writing to entertain you, that is not his goal, this is important for You to understand. He's signed his contract and he's not concerned with sales numbers. He is not Robert Jordan or Terry Goodkind. He's not going to sell his soul or his principles to sell more books. Criticize all you like, he's not listening, nor does he have to. At this point, anything he writes will get published...the market is established. Now just imagine you're SE , and he, with his limited time, comes to view this thread, which turns out to be more about the puerile rubbish that Terry Pratchett churns out than his own works. You ought to be ashamed of yourselves.

I hope you aren't being serious there, because that's pretentious beyond belief. Firstly, you act like you get to choose how someone views these books. Secondly, what someone else compares the books to is not up to you. If you don't like it, argue the point, but don't go insulting people. Thirdly, you act as if you know Erikson personally. It seems to me that Erikson is fairly interested in feedback anyway, considering (a) the difference in class between GotM and the rest, and (:D the attitude he seems to display in my limited knowledge: for example this:
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#299 User is offline   Folken 

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Posted 10 November 2005 - 01:31 PM

Kribalah Rule said:

OK, this thread has become an insult. Are we talking about the Malazan Book of the Fallen or aren't we? Good thing he doesn't care what you all think, if such an adjective can be applied to your collective and dismal efforts towards understanding. He's not writing to entertain you, that is not his goal, this is important for You to understand. He's signed his contract and he's not concerned with sales numbers. He is not Robert Jordan or Terry Goodkind. He's not going to sell his soul or his principles to sell more books. Criticize all you like, he's not listening, nor does he have to. At this point, anything he writes will get published...the market is established. Now just imagine you're SE , and he, with his limited time, comes to view this thread, which turns out to be more about the puerile rubbish that Terry Pratchett churns out than his own works. You ought to be ashamed of yourselves.

or you should be looking at in a different way. If you go to any of those other author forums you've mentioned, bashing the books isn't allowed at all.
Even having this thread shows the quality of this forum and Steven Erikson's fans. We're willing to discuss aspects of the novels we don't like, aspects that piss us off, yada yada. And we all have our dislikes and likes and we're all willing to discuss them. We're not asking him to change anything that would be utterly wrong and would ruin the novels. Still doesn't mean we have to love everything...most things...but not everything.

And just to reply to the person who was talking about be honest the only person that has truly been resurected has been Ganoes Paran. EVeryone one else we fully saw them coming back. Such as Coltaine, we knew that was going to happen. Same with Duiker, since coltaine gave him that thing, don't remember what it was. The BB's we saw it happen at the end of MoI, and thye have a purpose to serve. But as pointed out by Steven Erikson, WJ is not returning.
Toc didn't really die, neither did Tehol or his brother I forget his name, the sword master.

And polishgenius...what difference in class between GotM and the rest? MoI stands right up there with Gardens, if not higher, in terms of epic fantasy. DG and the Chain of Dogs deserve nothing short of a knighthood for Steven:p
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#300 User is offline   Mithfanion 

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Posted 10 November 2005 - 04:53 PM



Besides, it's not like undead master thiefs are lurking all over the place, right?

No, but resurrected characters are, which was the point of Merkur's post. A valid complaint in my opinion, Erikson has far more characters resurrected than he initially said he would.

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