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Abyss Just Finished Assail spoiler-free comments, then SPOILERS after the jump...

#1 User is offline   Abyss 

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Posted 28 July 2014 - 07:37 PM

Sometimes, it pays to ask nicely for things.
Sometimes it also pays to beg, plead, bribe, harass, threaten, kidnap pets, and/or offer sex for things.

Not that i'm admitting to any of the above, but i managed to obtain a copy of Ian Cameron Esslemont's ASSAIL this past weekend and power through it with minutes to spare before my arraignment and bail hearing.

Some spoiler free comments first... don't worry, i'll warn you when i get to the spoilery stuff and give you time to go away...

I enjoyed the hell out of this book.

On every level, technical, pacing, storytelling and sheer Malazan goodness, this may be my favorite book by ICE. It's like he took all the things that worked in his earlier efforts, made them shinier, and then set out to write some damn good fantasy... and succeeds in spades. Also bleeding hearts, bloody clubs and icy diamonds. (and blue clovers!)

Does he answer every question every Malazan fan has ever had? No. And that shouldn't surprise anyone. But hes answer a lot of them.

Does he tell us a pile of things about Assail. Yes. And how. While i won't say we get clean answers by any stretch, and i'll have to wrack my brain and the forum a little harder to connect all the dots, i'm fairly sure that ICE addressed, sideways if not full on, every reference to Assail we've seen in the MBF and ME books.

Does he wrap up a bunch of running storylines from his books so far? Yes, yes and mostly. Some of them don't so much end as move to something different, but in a good way.

Old Malazan favorites show up? Yes. More ICE characters than SE characters, to the extent that matters, but some old friends are around.

Better than MoI? No, but then again, i don't think WAR AND PEACE is better than MoI.

You've all read the blurbs and possibly a few comment threads... i'll get into spoilery details below. I will say that the book follows different characters and groups of characters as they make their way around Assail for different reasons. Yes, it's travelogue, but only to an extent. Everyone has a solid reason for going wherever, and they stop at various points along the way for massive battles, smaller fights, some of that always cherished random malazan goodness that hints at other stories, and a satisfying finale. Arguably two of them. Possibly three.

ICE's pacing is really great in this book. Despite a number of characters walking/riding/sailing from A to X, their plots are for the most part always moving... or else pausing for comic relief which is itself nicely done. He doesn't hit the level of comedy SE does.. he doesn't try. His humour is a bit more down to earth human.

His action scenes are great. One character in particular sees a lot more fighting than he has to date and i really enjoyed reading every bit.

I also enjoyed how the various plotslines interweave, sometimes only briefly, but way less standalone than B&B.

This book is not the end point about the Malazan Empire. The Empire's involved, but this book is more about Assail, what it is and why it is that way.

Other than MoI/DG, I try not to rank Malazan books ... so i'm not going to put a number on this. If you've enjoyed ICE's work to date, this book is a treat. If you've been on the fence about his books but liked some parts, i think you'll find more of what you like here. If you haven't enjoyed ICE's work, well, you're cold and dead inside but still want to know more about the Malazan world, this book delivers.

If you want beautiful complete closure to all things Malazan, answers to all of your questions and everything ties up neatly with a bow... you haven't been paying attention for the last sixteen books.

now then...


in the next post...


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Posted 28 July 2014 - 08:15 PM















I really enjoyed this book. I enjoyed the revelations about Assail, i liked the characters, new and old, ICE held my attention throughout and delivered a book totally worth my dollars, eyetime and a reread or two.

BEST UPGRADE - Kyle rocked this book. After being with us this long and never quite shining, this was his book. His fight scenes were great fun to read, but aside from that i enjoyed his return home, his slow acceptance of being The Whiteblade, his kind of ignorant bravery in the face of serious opposition... when he took on 12 warriors to distrct them from Lyan and Dorrin, it made perfect sense, and so did the way the fight went. I liked his reflections on the Thel-Akai, and Greymane, and his time with the Crimson Guard.

BEST NEW CHARACTER - Ormen was a welcome surprise. I was initially skeptical because of how he resembled Kyle in some ways, but ICE gave him his own storyline ... perhaps not all that original... farmboy steals father's weapon, goes out into harsh world, becomes hero is hardly novel ground.... , but it was well told and moved nicely. The Reddin Bros and Old Bear were great supporting characters.

BEST ONE LINER - "That's my spear!" Utel Bonecaster to Ormen.

BEST OLD FRIEND - Carathon Crust positively devoured every scene he was in. I loved his recruiting in Wrongway, and i absolutely loved that he used the stolen munitions from RCG to stop a continent wrecking Jaghut Glacier ritual. Also, one of the bestest holyfuckdidijustREADthat moments in the book.

DIDN'T SEE THAT COMING - The instant the khall-addict showed up in Wrongway, i said 'Claw'. But i didn't even come close to guessing it was Possum. Nice touch.

BEST PERVERSION OF EVERYTHING WE THOUGHT WE KNEW - The T'lam Imass on a full blown genocidal jihad to wipe out every human on Assail with even a little Jaghut blood. It was chilling and very different from how the Imass have been shown to date, but also very consistent.

BEST EXAMPLE OF ASSAIL AS A HORRIBLE UNFRIENDLY PLACE - The Sea of Dread/Dread Sea/Sea to be Dreaded/Dreadhead Sea/ Sea of Dreadliness. Name jokes aside, ICE did a nice job of conveying the insidous creepy magic that just slowly wiped out ship after ship. I enjoyed the setup chapters as various ships tried to even get close to the continent. Despite it's lack of a ship on the cover, ASSAIL delivered some good nautical scenes.

BEST SHOUTBACK TO GOTM - Four Founding Races. Oh, nicely done, ICE. Very, very nicely done. Once, way back when, four races... got together and agreed on a peace that was pretty much forgotten except as a reference in one of Gothos' texts, but brings us full circle to that last confrontation on the mountain with Imass, Jaghut, FA, Andii and now Human at the table.

SO IS HE OR ISN"T HE - Maybe Jethiss was Anomander Rake returned, maybe he wasn't. There were other Andii in Dragnipur when the finale of TtH went down, after all. But i don't actually think it matters, he was interesting to read without stealing his storyline, and ended the book in a very different and interesting place... a one armed Tiste Andii born of Darkness and carrying a sword made of his own arm bones... that's pure fantasy lit goodness right there... ICE, if you're reading this... i would cheerfully pay dollars for an entire book of Jethiss, Kyle and Fisher's adventures.

FISHERING FOR COMPLIMENTS - SO the poet isn't exactly immortal but he is part Jaghut. I am totally cool with that.

...see what i did there?

BEST BATTLE - This book had some good ones... i want to give it to Jute & co trying to repel the Imass from Mantle, but that ended prematurely. Instead i'll go with Ormen and company's running attack on the Bains, tho Kyle and the Guard holding the Lost Holding was pretty close.

BEST RESET - The Crimson Guard as a 'new Imass clan', waiting for their own Summoner. Nice touch.

I"MMM ASSAILINGGGGG AWAAAAAAAYYYYYYY - I liked these Assail. They built on everything we learned in past book,s but were strikingly different and more alien than the near mustache-twirling baddies of TCG. When they show up at the end, the reader knows, without any doubt, that they are a huge threat that can happily wipe out everyone standing before them.

BEST BADDIES - They weren't around long, but i really liked the Sheers/Shaars. They were a genuine threat that justified what went down with the Guard leading to Iron Bars and co's escape to Leth and everything since then. And reading them get turned into cole slaw by the Imass was utterly satisfying. Mist and her sons were a nice touch, sideways channelling Circe from the Odyssey only with more decapitations.

SPEAKING OF LETH - I rather enjoyed the Letherii as semi-baddies here. Someone needs to remind Tehol that his merchants are assholes. Intercontinental assholes.


BEST DEATH - Marshall Teal... ICE threw in just enough hints that there was more to this guy than Letherri covetousness (that's a word, i swear) that his decision to stand and watch the pretty onrushing glacier made sense. more to come once i've reread a few choice bits, but those are my first thoughts having Just Finished It.

- Abyss, satisfied customer.

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Posted 28 July 2014 - 09:23 PM

Abyss getting a book early...something's not right here

#4 User is offline   Spoilsport Stonny 

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Posted 28 July 2014 - 09:23 PM

Finally! Someone I can share my joy with...

Abyss said:

BEST UPGRADE - Kyle rocked this book. After being with us this long and never quite shining, this was his book. His fight scenes were great fun to read, but aside from that i enjoyed his return home, his slow acceptance of being The Whiteblade, his kind of ignorant bravery in the face of serious opposition... when he took on 12 warriors to distrct them from Lyan and Dorrin, it made perfect sense, and so did the way the fight went. I liked his reflections on the Thel-Akai, and Greymane, and his time with the Crimson Guard.

Yes. His run through the Silent People was chilling, and I'm pretty sure he would have held his own against two or three FA.

Abyss said:

BEST NEW CHARACTER - Ormen was a welcome surprise. I was initially skeptical because of how he resembled Kyle in some ways, but ICE gave him his own storyline ... perhaps not all that original... farmboy steals father's weapon, goes out into harsh world, becomes hero is hardly novel ground.... , but it was well told and moved nicely. The Reddin Bros and Old Bear were great supporting characters.

I liked Ormen a bunch. And Jute was a great POV character. But Tyvar Gendarian was by far the best new character. Holy hell I loved that guy. Imagine the despair a Mortal Sword would feel once his God fled to who-knows-where. And he remained...benevolent.

Abyss said:

BEST ONE LINER - "That's my spear!" Utel Bonecaster to Ormen.


Abyss said:

BEST OLD FRIEND - Carathon Crust positively devoured every scene he was in. I loved his recruiting in Wrongway, and i absolutely loved that he used the stolen munitions from RCG to stop a continent wrecking Jaghut Glacier ritual. Also, one of the bestest holyfuckdidijustREADthat moments in the book.

The stolen munitions rivals Possum and Skinner and Cowl's burial of K'azz (see below) for best call back. But there is also this (from Midnight Tides, Ch. 12 Mael and Shurq convo)


‘So, what do you know?’
‘Not much. The language on the door belongs to an extinct people known as Forkrul Assail, who are collectively personified in our Fulcra by
the personage we call the Errant. The tombs were built for another extinct people, called the Jaghut, whom we acknowledge in the Hold we call the Hold of Ice. The wards were intended to block the efforts of another people, the T’lan Imass, who were the avowed enemies of the Jaghut. The T’lan Imass pursued the Jaghut in a most relentless manner, including those Jaghut who elected to surrender their place in the world – said individuals choosing something closely resembling death. Their souls would travel to their Hold, leaving their flesh behind, the flesh being stored in tombs like this one. That wasn’t good enough for the T’lan Imass. Anyway, the Forkrul Assail considered themselves impartial arbiters in the conflict, and that was, most of the time, the extent of their involvement. Apart from that,’ Bugg said with a shrug, ‘I really can’t say.’

Cool, right?!?

Abyss said:

DIDN'T SEE THAT COMING - The instant the khall-addict showed up in Wrongway, i said 'Claw'. But i didn't even come close to guessing it was Possum. Nice touch.

And very realistic too. I know people who've turned to drugs to numb the pain of a tragedy they blamed themselves for. ICE had all the emotions going in this one.

Abyss said:

BEST PERVERSION OF EVERYTHING WE THOUGHT WE KNEW - The T'lam Imass on a full blown genocidal jihad to wipe out every human on Assail with even a little Jaghut blood. It was chilling and very different from how the Imass have been shown to date, but also very consistent.

Yeah I was wondering why this was and what happened to Lanas Tog to make her lie about that whole "Not Jaghut...human" scenerio. It was nice to have some closure with that open-ended statement.

Abyss said:

BEST EXAMPLE OF ASSAIL AS A HORRIBLE UNFRIENDLY PLACE - The Sea of Dread/Dread Sea/Sea to be Dreaded/Dreadhead Sea/ Sea of Dreadliness. Name jokes aside, ICE did a nice job of conveying the insidous creepy magic that just slowly wiped out ship after ship. I enjoyed the setup chapters as various ships tried to even get close to the continent. Despite it's lack of a ship on the cover, ASSAIL delivered some good nautical scenes.

All the different POVs scattered throughout was well done. By the time the last group got to the Dreadful Body of Water I was like "TURN THE FUCK AROUND AND GO HOME!"

Abyss said:

BEST SHOUTBACK TO GOTM - Four Founding Races. Oh, nicely done, ICE. Very, very nicely done. Once, way back when, four races... got together and agreed on a peace that was pretty much forgotten except as a reference in one of Gothos' texts, but brings us full circle to that last confrontation on the mountain with Imass, Jaghut, FA, Andii and now Human at the table.

Abyss said:

SO IS HE OR ISN"T HE - Maybe Jethiss was Anomander Rake returned, maybe he wasn't. There were other Andii in Dragnipur when the finale of TtH went down, after all. But i don't actually think it matters, he was interesting to read without stealing his storyline, and ended the book in a very different and interesting place... a one armed Tiste Andii born of Darkness and carrying a sword made of his own arm bones... that's pure fantasy lit goodness right there... ICE, if you're reading this... i would cheerfully pay dollars for an entire book of Jethiss, Kyle and Fisher's adventures.

Don't read this unless you want to REALLY know...


Abyss said:

FISHERING FOR COMPLIMENTS - SO the poet isn't exactly immortal but he is part Jaghut. I am totally cool with that.

...see what i did there?

Also the line about poet's being able to change names and actual events to suit the story. Wink-wink, readers. Wink-wink.

Abyss said:

BEST BATTLE - This book had some good ones... i want to give it to Jute & co trying to repel the Imass from Mantle, but that ended prematurely. Instead i'll go with Ormen and company's running attack on the Bains, tho Kyle and the Guard holding the Lost Holding was pretty close.

There was one battle at sea that stood out to me from all the others. Can't recall the details right now, but I'll get back to you on it. It might have been when Ragstopper took out that lookout tower and all four ships together handled business pretty well.

Abyss said:

BEST RESET - The Crimson Guard as a 'new Imass clan', waiting for their own Summoner. Nice touch.

Even a little good feelz for Skinner being there as well. Still, Cowl was not happy about that, but the whole them being dead and being able to come back whenever they want sure explains alot about him, being as he was well aware of the situation.

I especially loved that the whole Dolmens of Tien thing with K'azz's body was explained, with nary a problem and tied that whole discovery of his corpse thing up perfectly.

Abyss said:

I"MMM ASSAILINGGGGG AWAAAAAAAYYYYYYY - I liked these Assail. They built on everything we learned in past book,s but were strikingly different and more alien than the near mustache-twirling baddies of TCG. When they show up at the end, the reader knows, without any doubt, that they are a huge threat that can happily wipe out everyone standing before them.

They don't take shit from no one. But the inverting of our expectations was superb. I was all prepared for them to wake up and pretty much kill everyone. End of story. See you in the Early Empire books

Abyss said:

BEST BADDIES - They weren't around long, but i really liked the Sheers/Shaars. They were a genuine threat that justified what went down with the Guard leading to Iron Bars and co's escape to Leth and everything since then. And reading them get turned into cole slaw by the Imass was utterly satisfying. Mist and her sons were a nice touch, sideways channelling Circe from the Odyssey only with more decapitations.

Would have liked to have seen a bit more of them, but I loved the Hatfields and McCoys relationship and the back-and-forth POVs upon their demises.

Abyss said:

SPEAKING OF LETH - I rather enjoyed the Letherii as semi-baddies here. Someone needs to remind Tehol that his merchants are assholes. Intercontinental assholes.

Sometimes you gotta stick to what the readers expect. letherii merchants are pricks.

Abyss said:


Yeah didn't like that at all. Loved how ICE handled Badland's reaction to it though. Very real.

Another death that surprised me with the affect it had on me was the giant Voltron made of bones that guarded the bridge. I wasn't happy about that. I kinda liked him. "I'll kill you...later. Here hang out in this dark cave in the meantime. You can eat fish or something."

Abyss said:

BEST DEATH - Marshall Teal... ICE threw in just enough hints that there was more to this guy than Letherri covetousness (that's a word, i swear) that his decision to stand and watch the pretty onrushing glacier made sense.

ICE killed him with ICE.

Abyss said: more to come once i've reread a few choice bits, but those are my first thoughts having Just Finished It.

- Abyss, satisfied customer.

Me too. VERY satisfied.
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Posted 28 July 2014 - 09:25 PM

Very glad to see your non spoilers post. I know Pat was rather down on the book but I've been of the opinion that ICE gets better with every novel. From your opinions, I can't see this one being any different.

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Posted 28 July 2014 - 09:27 PM

Ah advanced copies. Abyss you suck...........

Nah im only joking just jealous you got an early copy.

So far just Pat that's thought it's not great so after an initial reaction of oh s**t no and readying myself for disappointment im now very much looking forward to this!

Bring on the 14th

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Posted 28 July 2014 - 09:40 PM

I just read the spoilers, couldn't help myself, so glad I did, I'll be there on 14th to buy it and then back on here on and off to chat with you guys and go in depth on every little thing
Very well, permit me if you will, on this night. To break your hearts once more.

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Posted 28 July 2014 - 09:44 PM

Is the map of Assail at all detailed or is it like the Jacuruku map? Does it solve any geographical conundrums? IS THERE A MAP?
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#9 User is offline   Spoilsport Stonny 

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Posted 28 July 2014 - 09:51 PM

Abilieno posted the map on his blog if you wanna look at it.
Theorizing that one could poop within his own lifetime, Doctor Poopet led an elite group of scientists into the desert to develop a top secret project, known as QUANTUM POOP. Pressured to prove his theories or lose funding, Doctor Poopet, prematurely stepped into the Poop Accelerator and vanished. He awoke to find himself in the past, suffering from partial amnesia and facing a mirror image that was not his own. Fortunately, contact with his own bowels was made through brainwave transmissions, with Al the Poop Observer, who appeared in the form of a hologram that only Doctor Poopet could see and hear. Trapped in the past, Doctor Poopet finds himself pooping from life to life, pooping things right, that once went wrong and hoping each time, that his next poop will be the poop home.

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Posted 28 July 2014 - 10:53 PM

Map is definitely better than, say, Kolanse and Jacuruku.

These early reviews have me very excited. Next Tuesday can't get here soon enough!
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Posted 29 July 2014 - 12:58 AM

View PostEnd of Disc One, on 28 July 2014 - 09:23 PM, said:

Abyss getting a book early...something's not right here

AND I got a break on bail because it was my first offence.
...that anyone knows about anyhow...

#12 User is offline   Abyss 

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Posted 29 July 2014 - 01:04 AM

View PostSpoilsport Stonny, on 28 July 2014 - 09:23 PM, said:


Abyss said:

SO IS HE OR ISN"T HE - Maybe Jethiss was Anomander Rake returned, maybe he wasn't. There were other Andii in Dragnipur when the finale of TtH went down, after all. But i don't actually think it matters, he was interesting to read without stealing his storyline, and ended the book in a very different and interesting place... a one armed Tiste Andii born of Darkness and carrying a sword made of his own arm bones... that's pure fantasy lit goodness right there... ICE, if you're reading this... i would cheerfully pay dollars for an entire book of Jethiss, Kyle and Fisher's adventures.

Don't read this unless you want to REALLY know...



Don't think so....
First off Spin was still alive at the end of TTH and not in Dragnipur.Second, while Rake never met Seerdomin, Spin was using Rake's tactics at the games. See the scene early in TTH where Rake asks Spin how the game went and Spin replies "you won again my lord.".Finally, Spin wasn't a Mage.

#13 User is offline   Spoilsport Stonny 

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Posted 29 July 2014 - 02:25 AM

View PostAbyss, on 29 July 2014 - 01:04 AM, said:

View PostSpoilsport Stonny, on 28 July 2014 - 09:23 PM, said:


Abyss said:

SO IS HE OR ISN"T HE - Maybe Jethiss was Anomander Rake returned, maybe he wasn't. There were other Andii in Dragnipur when the finale of TtH went down, after all. But i don't actually think it matters, he was interesting to read without stealing his storyline, and ended the book in a very different and interesting place... a one armed Tiste Andii born of Darkness and carrying a sword made of his own arm bones... that's pure fantasy lit goodness right there... ICE, if you're reading this... i would cheerfully pay dollars for an entire book of Jethiss, Kyle and Fisher's adventures.

Don't read this unless you want to REALLY know...



Don't think so....
First off Spin was still alive at the end of TTH and not in Dragnipur.Second, while Rake never met Seerdomin, Spin was using Rake's tactics at the games. See the scene early in TTH where Rake asks Spin how the game went and Spin replies "you won again my lord.".Finally, Spin wasn't a Mage.

I definitely see your point, and I think its left open to be deliberately intriguing. But there's couple TtH things that make me think its Spinnock.

One, he broke his Hust blade fending off Kallor and tell's Korlat to leave it when she saves his life.


A short time later, when she went to find his sword where it was lying in the grasses, Spinnock Durav said, ‘No, Korlat. Leave it.’
She looked at him in surprise.
But he was not of a mind to explain.

So he needs a new sword.

Then there is this:


‘But you are not the Son of Darkness.’
‘No, that is true.’
‘One day you are going to die in his stead.’
‘I am.’

And this:


Mother Dark, hear me please. For Spinnock Durav, who stood in your son’s place, again and again. Give him peace. Give him happiness.

And Seerdomin's barrow wasn't complete at the end of TtH.

My thinking is that Rake has been dispersed into Kurald Galain and his death is final. Spinnock has taken over the mantle of Son of Darkness. And why wouldn't he? Jethiss wasn't really sure what he was doing with his magery. Perhaps it was a newfound gift of Mother Dark. I know we never saw Spinnock headed to Assail, but it wouldn't be the first time these authors played games with us. I like that it's open ended. There isn't enough evidence to go either way, but there is enough to draw conclusions that make sense in either case. I'll try to find more about it. Glad you loved the book like I did. It really was a rewarding finish.
Theorizing that one could poop within his own lifetime, Doctor Poopet led an elite group of scientists into the desert to develop a top secret project, known as QUANTUM POOP. Pressured to prove his theories or lose funding, Doctor Poopet, prematurely stepped into the Poop Accelerator and vanished. He awoke to find himself in the past, suffering from partial amnesia and facing a mirror image that was not his own. Fortunately, contact with his own bowels was made through brainwave transmissions, with Al the Poop Observer, who appeared in the form of a hologram that only Doctor Poopet could see and hear. Trapped in the past, Doctor Poopet finds himself pooping from life to life, pooping things right, that once went wrong and hoping each time, that his next poop will be the poop home.

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Posted 29 July 2014 - 07:57 AM

hey thanks for this! I didn't read the spoilers, but I really enjoyed your thoughts about the book and the improvements. I too have enjoyed every Malazan book thus far, so I am really excited for this. Super jealous you have read it, but glad it promises to be awsome! Can't wait!
"There is no struggle too vast, no odds too overwhelming, for even should we fail — should we fall — we will know that we have lived." ― Anomander Rake, Son of Darkness

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Posted 29 July 2014 - 07:58 AM

How did you people get this book early?

I got only one question regarding this book - when does it take place in relation DoD and tCG?
The meaning of life is BOOM!!!

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Posted 29 July 2014 - 08:35 AM

In regards to the mysterious andii what hair colour does he have iirc rake=white durav=reddish, also why would durav not know who he is
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Posted 29 July 2014 - 12:45 PM

How in the fuck do you have this already? Murder-Kill-Death.
Trouble arrives when the opponents to such a system institute its extreme opposite, where individualism becomes godlike and sacrosanct, and no greater service to any other ideal (including community) is possible. In such a system rapacious greed thrives behind the guise of freedom, and the worst aspects of human nature come to the fore....

#18 User is offline   Spoilsport Stonny 

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Posted 29 July 2014 - 02:24 PM



Theorizing that one could poop within his own lifetime, Doctor Poopet led an elite group of scientists into the desert to develop a top secret project, known as QUANTUM POOP. Pressured to prove his theories or lose funding, Doctor Poopet, prematurely stepped into the Poop Accelerator and vanished. He awoke to find himself in the past, suffering from partial amnesia and facing a mirror image that was not his own. Fortunately, contact with his own bowels was made through brainwave transmissions, with Al the Poop Observer, who appeared in the form of a hologram that only Doctor Poopet could see and hear. Trapped in the past, Doctor Poopet finds himself pooping from life to life, pooping things right, that once went wrong and hoping each time, that his next poop will be the poop home.

#19 User is offline   Gorgon 

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Posted 29 July 2014 - 03:22 PM

Yeah can see your point with the spinnock link, be very interesting to see what the forum consensus is.
Then again we may be up in the air forever, similar to the dassem/dessambre debate
Very well, permit me if you will, on this night. To break your hearts once more.

#20 User is offline   Vengeance 

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Posted 29 July 2014 - 04:21 PM

View PostAbyss, on 29 July 2014 - 12:58 AM, said:

View PostEnd of Disc One, on 28 July 2014 - 09:23 PM, said:

Abyss getting a book early...something's not right here

AND I got a break on bail because it was my first offence.
...that anyone knows about anyhow...

Just a bunch of bodies in the woods without heads. Can't be connected back to you in any way.
How many fucking people do I have to hammer in order to get that across.
Hinter - Vengy - DIE. I trusted you you bastard!!!!!!!

Steven Erikson made drowning in alien cum possible - Obdigore

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