Macros, on 13 November 2015 - 02:38 PM, said:
Have played a few hours of this, its fun, but can be frustrating at times. My style of play is probably anathema to what the game is supposed to really be about.
Its definitely the cause of my current block, stuck on Venus trying to decode the Vek brain and waves of vek come in, the 3rd wave I think it is, has a few big ogre like bastsrds, one of them always goes beserk and chops me up.
Not sure what your style of play is, but let me just say, against the big guys - Shotguns. Shotguns shot into their mouths while they swing at you stun them and do a ton of damage.
Something you may not know - if you have elemental weapons, you want to MATCH the elemental color on your weapon to the color of the shield of the enemy. Vex normally have arc shields, so if you have a 'blue' weapon, that will blow through their shields easier.
Also, for vex, shoot em right in the juicebox (the little white glowing thing in their torso)