Galactic Council said:
D said:
MOVe the Sigma Draconis interceptor to Zeta Chameleontis and the Epsilon Carinae interceptor to Delta Corvi.
Tapper said:
Noted and noted.
Morgoth, any reaction?
^^ that's turn 8
Turn 9:
Cf no reaction
Morgoth. Reaction move cruiser to pin D'rek
IH no reaction assumed
Twelve no reaction assumed
Gnaw no reaction
Tatts no reaction assumed
D'rek move fighter from gnaw's warp portal to CF's home world Procyon
Khell. no reaction assumed
Tapper build that 3rd fighter or no reaction??
Turn 10
CF react or no?
Morgy ?
IH ?LGnaw no reaction unless IH does
Tatts. no reaction assumed
D'rek. Pass