Tapper, on 07 November 2013 - 09:48 AM, said:
D, on 07 November 2013 - 04:12 AM, said:
Khellendros, on 06 November 2013 - 11:51 PM, said:
twelve, on 06 November 2013 - 08:26 PM, said:
Action 1 Research Science Development -4$, -8 Materials, +12 science.
(0$, 19S, 8M Upkeep -5)
Damn you. Luckily, as I stated before this game began, and to take a saying from my Planta - "I have turned over a new leaf" when it comes to Eclipse, and planned for just such an eventuality. By not influencing my conquered hex, I now have the flexibility to go for any of the developments.
Now, Science is gone, which was my preferred choice. Tapper has expressed an interest in taking the Money development, so I won't do that. I'm thinking I'll take the Mining Fleet and get me some +12 materials.
D, on 06 November 2013 - 11:10 PM, said:
Tapper, on 06 November 2013 - 10:37 PM, said:
@ D'rek; I am game. Let's wait for Khell. Also, who claims it and how do we plan to defend it?
You or Khell can claim it. advantages I see are:
If Khell claims it:
{a} he has 4 colony ships so can use it most effectively right away (and your colony ships can be used on resources instead)
{b} he's farther away from it than you or I, so him claiming it lets him help defend better
{c} it doesnt end up with you defending two fronts if CF/Morgoth push from Fomalhaut to Kappa Valantis
Tapper calims it:
{a} if the discovery tile is one that should be used, still get 1 VP
{b} Tapper has better starbase blueprints to defend it with, once he gets that tech
The other pro for me claiming it is that we get an extra 1VP for Planta ownership.
Ok, I like the plan. I can afford either five or six moves this round. If I go for the development like I plan, then only five. So it would be:
RES Mining Fleet - Build - Move - Move - Move. No upgrading possible (but my altered Planta blueprints don't really allow for the double Ion Cannons anyway - though I do have the Plasma Cannon).
If I didn't research the development, then I could upgrade as well.
Good point on the extra VP. That basically balances out the Tapper bonus from the disco tile, though the disco tile is not guaranteed to be one that Tapper can get the extra 1 VP from, either, so Planta bonus is even better.
I can get 2 interceptors in, Tapper can easily get 3, or if he converts colony ships can get 4 into the GCDS (and if you're taking it Khell, he won't need the colony ships). That puts us at 5-6, which is already enough with the double ion upgrade. Khell, I say get the mining colony and then don't worry about building more interceptors, just move your one interceptor to the GCDS as fast as possible (two consecutive MOVs, use the fourth arrow to start getting your dreadnaught back, I guess). Once it is in there, upgrade the plasma cannon onto it.
If you do that you'll get your interceptor in before me or Tapper, meaning the GCDS shoots your interceptor *last*, which is good because {a} Plasma cannon! and {b} the GCDS won't blow up all your ships and leave you unable to influence the hex at the end (unless we lose completely).
Sound good? Tapper and me are both on-board and this has a very high chance of success, so if you're okay with this go right ahead with your action(s).
I was going to suggest that either one of you takes the centre. This way, that player gets a building place closer to the front lines (which is welcome), I won't overstretch and we get the Planta bonus. The one worry for me is that Khell has the worst (least flexible is perhaps a better wording) starbases.
Getting it for Khell also puts him with 4 artifact-systems, which will make Artifact-related tech and developments a no-brainer the moment he has the resources.
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