Turn 1
Turn 2
Turn 3
Morgoth - Provisional Upgrade - add missiles on top of ion cannon on Starbase, and instead of one improved hull on cruiser.
CF - For now continue passing. If it becomes clear that Tapper or anybody else is moving on my position then I would definitely like to have the opportunity to react. Morgoth could likewise override that order and call for a halt until I check in (in case he needs my help)
Tapper - Provsional: Influence action.
- Place a science cube on Aldebaran's Advanced Science planet (1 colony ship unflipped).
- Place a science cube on the homeworld's Advanced Science planet (0 colony ships unflipped).
- Flip 1 colony ship face-up.
- Upkeep -5,
- 0 money (income 12)
- 0 science (income 8)
- 4 materials (income 6)
- 1 colony ship unflipped, Pulsar unused.
Khell - RESEARCH Artifact Key for 13 Science. Claim 20 materials. -13 science == 1 left. + 20 materials
D'rek - UPGrade - Fusion Drive over Nuclear Drive on my interceptors. Improved Hull over the blank slot on my Starbases.
Tatts - Provisional move both cruiser and dread into Khell's Lambda Serp upkeep - 3
Gnaw - pass
Twelve - Action 3: Influence:
- Remove disk from 391
- -Return the 2 grey cubes to science
- -Place influence cube back on 391 colonize two grey slots with money
- -Reset two colony ships 3 available
- (5$/0S/18M Upkeep -5)
IH - Build starbase and 2 interceptors in 304 -6 mats == 9 remaining
Turn 4
Morgoth -
- Add science cube to orbital
- Pass
CF - Provisional Pass This turn only.
Tapper - Pulsar upgrade fighter: -1 shield becomes +2 computer.
Khell - BUILD 3 Starbases in that warp portal hex where Tatts is masturbating.
D'rek - provisional MOVe Interceptor in Iota Bootis to Sigma Draconis, and Interceptor in Rigel to Chi Draconis
Tatts - Influence Iota Bootus colonise both planets. Flip ships back up.
Gnaw - Reaction Move interceptor in Delta Corvi to Khell's warp portal.
Twelve -
IH -
Turn 5
Morgoth - reaction?
CF - reaction?
Tapper -
Khell -
D'rek -
Tatts -
Gnaw -
Twelve -
IH -