Imperial Historian, on 17 June 2013 - 05:34 PM, said:
This has been an interesting game, 2 betrayals already, 1 player on 0 science, and a couple on very low science strategies (will be interesting to see how they play off, I've never seen this tried before)
For my money D'rek is overreaching with this betrayal, and could be really punished, but the fine balance everyone else is in might let her get away with it. If she gets a turn or two without interference and beats morgoth she can probably see it out for game though. If morgoth gets neutron bombs on the otherhand he could really cause some havok next round and leave her in trouble (a couple of interceptors with 2 drives running behind the lines and cloaking device could be deadly). If I was picking tech before morgoth I'd make sure neutron bombs were left for him.
A lows science strategy was not really by choice. I assumed I would have both the science planet, and an orbital providing science at this point. Losing the dread really threw me, but It was a risk I knowingly took so I only blame myself.