cerveza_fiesta, on 24 September 2013 - 06:19 PM, said:
Probably good to put "default combat instruction is to use ancient targeting priority" in the house rules. Orders of "wait for instruction by me" or any other conditions can be given to supersede the default.
That way all players know that if no orders are given then the ancient priority will apply, regardless of the situational appropriateness of that priority.
Good point.
One of the other players rolls the dice for the Ancients and the GCDS. If possible, the dice are assigned so that your Ship(s) are destroyed, the largest possible first. If no Ships can be destroyed, the dice should be assigned to inflict as much damage to your Ships as possible, the largest possible first.
The sequence of apportion is the interpretation issue I think. (I'm not looking to reroll this. Just using it as the example for this discussion)
Let's look again at your first salvo:
4 hits. 2pts per hit. 2 cruisers requiring 3 damage and 2 interceptors requiring 1pt.
This is the way I interpreted your interpretation:
"destroyed first, biggest first".
So 1st hit == can destroy == kill an interceptor.
2nd hit == can destroy == kill an interceptor
3rd hit == cannot destroy == damage a cruiser
4th hit == can destroy == kill the cruiser
Results 1 cruiser remaining undamaged.
That is checking each hit individually. That is almost always going to mean small ships die before big ships. I'm not certain that's the way it's supposed to work.
If the whole roll is considered before apportionment, then it should be, imo:
2 hits to each cruiser destroys them so "the largest possible first" leaves
1st & 2nd hit == can destroy largest ship == kill cruiser
3rd & 4th hit == can destroy largest ship == kill cruiser
results 2 cruisers destroyed, 2 interceptors remaining.
So who's right?
For sake of comparison let's look at how I resolved it when I thought the cruisers had 4 armor not 2.
checking each hit individually
1st hit == can destroy == kill an interceptor
2nd hit == can destroy == kill 2nd interceptor
3rd hit == cannot destroy == damage cruiser 2 pts.
4th hit == cannot destory == damage cruiser 2 pts, applied to already damaged cruiser.
result 2 ints destroyed, 1 cruiser 4 pts damge.
checking the entire roll as a package
1st, 2nd, 3rd hit == can destroy largest ship == kill cruiser
4th hit == can destroy == kill interceptor
Results 1 cruiser and 1 interceptor destroyed, 1 each undamaged.
Again, who's right?